Source code for pytableaux.proof.common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import defaultdict
from import Mapping, Set
from types import MappingProxyType as MapProxy
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Iterator, Literal, Optional,
                    Self, SupportsIndex)

from ..errors import Emsg, check
from ..lang import Constant, Sentence
from import (EMPTY_MAP, EMPTY_SET, MapCover, SequenceSet, SetView,
                     abcs, dictattr, isattrstr, isint, qset)
from import EventEmitter
from . import BranchMeta, NodeMeta, WorldPair

    from typing import overload

    from ..models import BaseModel
    from . import Rule, Tableau

__all__ = (

_FIRST_CONST = Constant.first()
NOARG = object()

[docs] class Node(MapCover, abcs.Copyable, metaclass=NodeMeta): 'A tableau node.' __slots__ = ('step', 'ticked') def __init__(self, mapping = EMPTY_MAP, /): if mapping is self: return try: if len(mapping): mapping = MapProxy(dict(mapping)) else: mapping = EMPTY_MAP except TypeError: raise Emsg.InstCheck(mapping, Mapping) self._cov_mapping = mapping def copy(self): inst = object.__new__(type(self)) inst._cov_mapping = self._cov_mapping return inst @property def id(self) -> int: "The unique object ID." return id(self)
[docs] def worlds(self) -> Iterator[int]: """ Yield from int values for world, world1, and world2 keys. """ yield from filter(isint, map(self.get, Node.WORLD_KEYS))
[docs] def has(self, *names) -> bool: 'Whether the node has a non-``None`` property of all the given names.' for value in map(self.get, names): if value is None: return False return True
[docs] def any(self, *names) -> bool: """ Whether the node has a non-``None`` property of any of the given names. """ for value in map(self.get, names): if value is not None: return True return False
[docs] def meets(self, mapping: Mapping, /) -> bool: 'Whether the node properties match all those given in `mapping`.' try: for key in mapping: if self[key] != mapping[key]: break else: return True except KeyError: pass return False
def __bool__(self): return True def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __hash__(self): return id(self) __delattr__ = Emsg.Attribute.razr if TYPE_CHECKING: @overload def __getitem__(self, key: Literal['sentence']) -> Sentence: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, key: Literal['world']) -> int: ... @overload def get(self, key: Literal['sentence']) -> Sentence|None: ... def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self._cov_mapping[key] except KeyError: return Node.PropMap.Defaults[key] def __repr__(self): return f'<{type(self).__name__} id:{} props:{dict(self)}>' @staticmethod def for_mapping(mapping: Mapping, /): if (value := mapping.get(Node.Key.flag)) is not None: if value == Node.PropMap.Closure[Node.Key.flag]: return ClosureNode(mapping) if value == Node.PropMap.QuitFlag[Node.Key.flag]: return QuitFlagNode(mapping) return FlagNode(mapping) if mapping.get(Node.Key.world1) is not None: if mapping.get(Node.Key.world2) is not None: return AccessNode(mapping) if mapping.get(Node.Key.sentence) is not None: if mapping.get(Node.Key.designation) is not None: if mapping.get( is not None: return SentenceDesignationWorldNode(mapping) return SentenceDesignationNode(mapping) if mapping.get( is not None: return SentenceWorldNode(mapping) return SentenceNode(mapping) if mapping.get(Node.Key.designation) is not None: return DesignationNode(mapping) if mapping.get( is not None: return WorldNode(mapping) if mapping.get(Node.Key.ellipsis): return EllipsisNode(mapping) return UnknownNode(mapping)
[docs] class Branch(SequenceSet[Node], EventEmitter, abcs.Copyable, metaclass=BranchMeta): 'A tableau branch.' constants: Set[Constant] "The set of constants on the branch." worlds: Set[int] "The set of worlds on the branch." @property def id(self) -> int: "The branch object id." return id(self) @property def parent(self) -> Branch|None: "The parent branch, if any." return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, parent: Branch|None): try: self._parent except AttributeError: pass else: raise AttributeError if parent is not None: if parent is self: raise ValueError('A branch cannot be its own parent') self._origin = parent.origin else: self._origin = self self._parent = parent @property def origin(self) -> Branch: "The root branch." return self._origin @property def closed(self) -> bool: "Whether the branch is closed." return bool(len(self) and isinstance(self[-1], ClosureNode)) @property def leaf(self) -> Optional[Node]: "The leaf node, if any." try: return self[-1] except IndexError: pass @property def model(self) -> Optional[BaseModel]: "The associated model, if any." try: return self._model except AttributeError: pass @model.setter def model(self, model: BaseModel): try: self._model except AttributeError: self._model = model else: raise AttributeError _constants: set[Constant] _index: Branch.Index _model: BaseModel _nextconst: Constant _nextworld: int _nodes: qset[Node] _origin: Branch _parent: Branch|None _ticked: set[Node] _worlds: set[int] __slots__ = ( '_constants', '_index', '_model', '_nextconst', '_nextworld', '_nodes', '_origin', '_parent', '_ticked', '_worlds', 'constants', 'worlds') INDEX_KEYS = ( (Node.Key.sentence,), (Node.Key.designation,), (,), (Node.Key.world1, Node.Key.world2), (Node.Key.world1,), (Node.Key.world2,)) def __init__(self, parent:Branch|None=None, /): """Create a branch. Args: parent (Optional[Branch]): The parent branch, if any. """ EventEmitter.__init__(self, *Branch.Events) self.parent = parent # Make sure properties are copied if needed in copy() self._nodes = qset() self._ticked = set() self._index = self.Index(self.INDEX_KEYS) self._worlds = set() self._constants = set() self._nextworld = 0 self._nextconst = _FIRST_CONST self.worlds = SetView(self._worlds) self.constants = SetView(self._constants)
[docs] def copy(self, *, parent:Branch|None=None, listeners=False) -> Self: """Copy of the branch. Args: parent (Optional[Branch]): The branch to set as the new branch's parent. Defaults to None. listeners (bool): Whether to copy event listeners. Defaults to `False`. Returns: Branch: The new branch. """ cls = type(self) b = cls.__new__(cls) b.parent = parent = b._nodes = self._nodes.copy() b._ticked = self._ticked.copy() b._index = self._index.copy() b._worlds = self._worlds.copy() b._constants = self._constants.copy() b._nextworld = self._nextworld b._nextconst = self._nextconst b.worlds = SetView(b._worlds) b.constants = SetView(b._constants) try: b._model = self._model except AttributeError: pass return b
[docs] def has(self, mapping: Mapping, /) -> bool: """Whether there is a node on the branch that matches the given properties. Args: props (Mapping): A mapping of properties. Returns: bool: Whether there is a match. """ return self.find(mapping) is not None
[docs] def any(self, mappings: Iterable[Mapping], /) -> bool: """Check a list of property mappings against the :attr:`has` method. Args: mappings (Iterable[Mapping]): An iterable of property mappings. Returns: bool: True when the first match is found, else False. """ return any(map(self.has, mappings))
[docs] def all(self, mappings: Iterable[Mapping], /) -> bool: """Check a list of property mappings against the :attr:`has` method. Args: mappings (Iterable[Mapping]): An iterable of property mappings. Returns: bool: False when the first non-match is found, else True. """ return all(map(self.has, mappings))
[docs] def find(self, mapping: Mapping, /) -> Node|None: """Find the first node on the branch that matches the given properties. Args: props (Mapping): A mapping of properties. Returns: Optional[Node]: The node, or ``None`` if not found. """ for node in return node
[docs] def search(self, mapping: Mapping, /) -> Iterator[Node]: """ Search the nodes on the branch that match the given properties, up to the limit, if given. Args: props (Mapping): A mapping of properties. limit (int): An optional result limit. Returns: Generator[Node]: Results generator. """ for node in, self): if node.meets(mapping): yield node
[docs] def append(self, node: Node|Mapping, /) -> Self: """Append a node. Args: node (Mapping): Node object or mapping. Returns: Branch: self Raises: DuplicateValueError: if the node is already on the branch. """ if self.closed: raise Emsg.IllegalState('Already closed') if not isinstance(node, Node): node = Node.for_mapping(node) self._nodes.append(node) if isinstance(node, SentenceNode): s: Sentence = node[Node.Key.sentence] if len(cons := s.constants): if self._nextconst in cons: self._nextconst = max(cons).next() self._constants.update(cons) if isinstance(node, Modal): worlds = frozenset(node.worlds()) if len(worlds): maxworld = max(worlds) if maxworld >= self._nextworld: self._nextworld = maxworld + 1 self._worlds.update(worlds) # Add to index *before* after_node_add event self._index.add(node) self.emit(Branch.Events.AFTER_ADD, node, self) if isinstance(node, ClosureNode): self.emit(Branch.Events.AFTER_CLOSE, self) return self
[docs] def extend(self, nodes: Iterable[Node|Mapping], /) -> Self: """Add multiple nodes. Args: nodes (Iterable): An iterable of node objects/mappings. Returns: Branch: self Raises: DuplicateValueError: if a node is already on the branch. """ for _ in map(self.append, nodes): pass return self
[docs] def tick(self, node: Node, /) -> Self: """Tick a node for the branch. Args: node (Node): The node to tick. Returns: Branch: self """ if not self.is_ticked(node): self._ticked.add(node) node.ticked = True self.emit(Branch.Events.AFTER_TICK, node, self) return self
[docs] def close(self) -> Self: """Close the branch. Adds a flag node and emits the `AFTER_BRANCH_CLOSE` event. Returns: Branch: self. """ return self.append(ClosureNode(Node.PropMap.Closure))
[docs] def is_ticked(self, node: Node, /) -> bool: """Whether the node is ticked relative to the branch. Args: node (Node): The node instance. Returns bool: Whether the node is ticked. """ return node in self._ticked
[docs] def new_constant(self) -> Constant: """Return a new constant that does not appear on the branch. Returns: Constant: The new constant. """ return self._nextconst
[docs] def new_world(self) -> int: """Return a new world that does not appear on the branch. Returns: int: A new word. """ return self._nextworld
def __getitem__(self, i: SupportsIndex|slice): return self._nodes[i] def __len__(self): return len(self._nodes) def __bool__(self): return True def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __contains__(self, node): return node in self._nodes def __iadd__(self, other: Mapping|Iterable[Mapping]) -> Self: if isinstance(other, Mapping): return self.append(other) return self.extend(other) def __repr__(self): leafid = if self.leaf else None return (f'<{type(self).__name__} id:{} nodes:{len(self)} ' f'leaf:{leafid} closed:{self.closed}>') @classmethod def _from_iterable(cls, it): self = cls() self.extend(it) return self
[docs] class Index(dict[tuple[str, ...], dict[tuple[Any, ...], set[Node]]], abcs.Copyable): "Branch node index." __slots__ = EMPTY_SET def __init__(self, indexes: Iterable[tuple[str, ...]]): self.update((key, defaultdict(set)) for key in indexes) def add(self, node: Node, /): for key in self: try: value = tuple(map(node.__getitem__, key)) except KeyError: continue self[key][value].add(node) def copy(self): inst = type(self)(self) for key, index in self.items(): for value, base in index.items(): inst[key][value].update(base) return inst def select(self, mapping: Mapping, default: Set[Node], /) -> set[Node]: bestsize = max(map(len, (self, mapping))) best = default for key in self: if len(best) <= bestsize: break try: value = tuple(map(mapping.__getitem__, key)) except KeyError: continue base = self[key].get(value, EMPTY_SET) if len(base) < len(best): best = base return best
[docs] class Target(dictattr): """Rule application target. """ branch : Branch constant : Constant designated : bool flag : str node : Node nodes : Set[Node] rule : Rule sentence : Sentence world : int world1 : int world2 : int _entry : Tableau.StepEntry __slots__ = ('rule', 'branch', 'constant', 'designated', 'flag', 'node', 'nodes', 'sentence', 'world', 'world1', 'world2') # For dictattr _keyattr_ok = staticmethod(frozenset(__slots__).__contains__) __slots__ += ('_entry',) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.update(*args, **kw) if 'branch' not in self: raise Emsg.MissingValue('branch') @property def type(self) -> str: if 'nodes' in self: return 'Nodes' if 'node' in self: return 'Node' if 'branch' in self: return 'Branch' raise ValueError def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self._keyattr_ok(key): if self.get(key, value) != value: raise Emsg.ValueConflictFor(key, value, self[key]) elif not isattrstr(key): check.inst(key, str) raise Emsg.BadAttrName(key) super().__setitem__(key, value) def __bool__(self): return True __delitem__ = pop = popitem = Emsg.Type.razr __delattr__ = Emsg.Attribute.razr def __dir__(self): return list(self._names()) def __repr__(self): props = {name: self[name] for name in self._names()} return f'<{type(self).__name__} {props}>' def _names(self): return filter(self._keyattr_ok, self)
class Modal: __slots__ = EMPTY_SET class Designation: __slots__ = EMPTY_SET class UnknownNode(Node): pass class EllipsisNode(Node): pass class FlagNode(Node): pass class ClosureNode(FlagNode): pass class QuitFlagNode(FlagNode): pass class WorldNode(Node, Modal): pass class AccessNode(Node, Modal): def pair(self) -> WorldPair: return WorldPair.fornode(self) class DesignationNode(Node, Designation): pass class SentenceNode(Node): pass class SentenceWorldNode(SentenceNode, WorldNode): pass class SentenceDesignationNode(SentenceNode, DesignationNode): pass class SentenceDesignationWorldNode(SentenceDesignationNode, SentenceWorldNode): pass