Source code for pytableaux.proof

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, Flag
from types import MappingProxyType as MapProxy
from typing import Any, Hashable, Iterable, NamedTuple, Sequence, TypeVar

from ..lang import Argument, Operator, Predicate, Quantifier
from ..logics import LogicType
from import EMPTY_QSET, EMPTY_SET, abcs, qsetf, ItemMapEnum
from import Counter, StopWatch

_KT = TypeVar('_KT')
_VT = TypeVar('_VT')

__all__ = (

NOARG = object()

class WorldPair(NamedTuple):
    "An `access` int tuple (world1, world2)."

    world1: int
    "world 1"
    world2: int
    "world 2"

    def w1(self) -> int:
        """Alias for :attr:`world1`."""
        return self.world1

    def w2(self) -> int:
        """Alias for :attr:`world2`."""
        return self.world2

    def fornode(cls, node):
        """Create instance from a node."""
        return cls._make(map(node.__getitem__, cls._fields))

    def tonode(self):
        """Create node from this instance."""
        return AccessNode({
            Node.Key.world1: self.world1,
            Node.Key.world2: self.world2})

    def reversed(self):
        """Create reversed instance."""
        return self._make(reversed(self))

class NodeMeta(abcs.AbcMeta):
    """Node meta class."""

    class Key(str, Enum):
        "Node keys."
        sentence = 'sentence'
        designation = designated = 'designated'
        world = 'world'
        world1 = w1 = 'world1'
        world2 = w2 = 'world2'
        is_flag = 'is_flag'
        flag = 'flag'
        closure = 'closure'
        quit = 'quit'
        info = 'info'
        ellipsis = 'ellipsis'

        def __str__(self):
            return self.value

    WORLD_KEYS = (, Key.world1, Key.world2)

    class PropMap(ItemMapEnum):
        Defaults = dict(
            designated = None,
            world = None)
        Closure = dict(
            closure = True,
            flag = 'closure',
            is_flag = True)
        QuitFlag = dict(
            quit = True,
            flag = 'quit',
            is_flag = True)
        Ellipsis = dict(
            ellipsis = True)

    def __prepare__(cls, clsname, bases, **kw):
        return dict(__slots__ = EMPTY_SET)

class HelperMeta(abcs.AbcMeta):

    def __prepare__(cls, clsname, bases, **kw):
        return dict(__slots__=EMPTY_SET)

class BranchMeta(abcs.AbcMeta):
    """Branch meta class."""

    class Events(str, Enum):
        'Branch events.'
        AFTER_ADD   = 'AFTER_ADD'

class TableauMeta(abcs.AbcMeta):
    """Tableau meta class."""

    class Events(str, Enum):
        'Tableau events.'
        AFTER_FINISH        = 'AFTER_FINISH'

    class Timers(NamedTuple):
        'Tableau timers data class.'
        build  : StopWatch
        trunk  : StopWatch
        tree   : StopWatch
        models : StopWatch

        def create(cls):
            it = itertools.repeat(False, len(cls._fields))
            return cls._make(map(StopWatch, it))

    class Flag(Flag):
        'Tableau state bit flags.'
        TICKED = 1 << 0
        CLOSED = 1 << 1
        PREMATURE = 1 << 2
        FINISHED = 1 << 3
        TIMED_OUT = 1 << 4
        TRUNK_BUILT = 1 << 5
        TIMING_INACCURATE = 1 << 6
        HAS_STEP_LIMIT = 1 << 7
        HAS_TIME_LIMIT = 1 << 8
        STARTED = 1 << 9

    class StatKey(str, Enum):
        'Tableau ``stat()`` keys.'
        FLAGS       = 'FLAGS'
        INDEX       = 'INDEX'
        PARENT      = 'PARENT'
        NODES       = 'NODES'

    class StepEntry(NamedTuple):
        rule: Rule
        "The rule instance."
        target: Target
        "The target produced by the rule."
        duration: Counter
        "The duration counter."

        def __repr__(self):
            return f'<StepEntry:{id(self)}:{}:{}>'

class GetLogicMetaMixinMetaType(type):

    def Meta(self) -> type[LogicType.Meta]|None:
        return LogicType.Meta.for_module(self.__module__)

class SystemMeta(abcs.AbcMeta, GetLogicMetaMixinMetaType):

    def modal(self) -> bool|None:
        return self.Meta and self.Meta.modal

[docs] class System(metaclass=SystemMeta): 'Tableaux system base class.'
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def build_trunk(cls, b: Branch, arg: Argument, /) -> None: """Build the trunk for an argument on the tableau. Args: b (Branch): The branch to construct. arg (Argument): The argument. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def branching_complexity(cls, node: Node, rules: RulesRoot, /) -> int: """Compute how many new branches would be added if a rule were to be applied to the node. Args: node (Node): The node instance. rules (RulesRoot): The rules on the tableau. Returns: int: The number of new branches. """ return 0
[docs] @classmethod def branching_complexity_hashable(cls, node: Node, /) -> Hashable: """Return a hashable object corresponding to a node's branching complexity, in order to save redundant computation time. By default it just returns the node itself. Args: node (Node): The node instance. Returns: A hashable object. """ return node
class RuleMeta(abcs.AbcMeta, GetLogicMetaMixinMetaType): """Rule meta class.""" name: str class State(Flag): 'Rule state bit flags.' INIT = 1 << 0 LOCKED = 1 << 1 class Events(str, Enum): 'Rule events.' BEFORE_APPLY = 'BEFORE_APPLY' AFTER_APPLY = 'AFTER_APPLY' class Legend(str, Enum): closure = 'closure' negated = 'negated' operator = 'operator' quantifier = 'quantifier' predicate = 'predicate' designation = 'designation' marklegend = 'marklegend' @property def modal(self) -> bool|None: return self.Meta and self.Meta.modal def __prepare__(clsname, bases, **kw): return dict(__slots__=EMPTY_SET, name=clsname) def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, ns, intermediate=False, **kw): self: type[Rule] = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, ns, **kw) abcs.merge_attr(self, 'defaults', mcls=cls, default={}, transform=MapProxy) abcs.merge_attr(self, 'timer_names', mcls=cls, default=EMPTY_QSET, transform=qsetf) if self.autoattrs: for name, value in self.induce_attrs().items(): setattr(self, name, value) configs: dict[type[Rule.Helper], Any] = {} for parent in abcs.mroiter(self, mcls=cls): value = parent.Helpers if isinstance(value, type): value = value, if isinstance(value, Sequence): configs = dict.fromkeys(value) | configs else: configs.update(value) self.Helpers = MapProxy(configs) for helpercls, config in configs.items(): configs[helpercls] = helpercls.configure_rule(self, config) isconcrete = not intermediate and not abcs.isabstract(self) if isconcrete: self.legend = tuple(self.build_legend()) if 'branching' not in self.__dict__: self.branching = self.induce_branching() return self def build_legend(self): """Build rule class legend.""" Leg = self.Legend getters = { Leg.operator: Operator, Leg.quantifier: Quantifier, Leg.predicate: Predicate} for attr in Leg: value = getattr(self, attr, None) if attr is Leg.negated: if value: yield attr, Operator.Negation elif attr is Leg.designation: if value is not None: yield attr, value elif attr is Leg.marklegend: if value is not None: yield from value elif attr is Leg.closure: if value: yield attr, True elif attr in getters: if value: yield attr, getters[attr](value) def induce_attrs(self): return RuleNameAttrInducer(self).build() or {} def induce_branching(self): tab = Tableau() rule: Rule = self(tab) branch = tab.branch().extend(rule.example_nodes()) target = if target: rule.apply(target) return len(rule.tableau) - 1 return NotImplemented class AbstractHelper(metaclass=HelperMeta): 'Rule helper interface.' shareable = False requires = EMPTY_SET rule: Rule config: Any @property def tableau(self) -> Tableau: return self.rule.tableau @abstractmethod def __init__(self, rule: Rule, /): self.rule = rule self.config = rule.Helpers.get(type(self)) self.listen_on() def listen_on(self): pass @classmethod def configure_rule(cls, rulecls: type[Rule], config: Any) -> Any: """Hook for initializing & verifiying a ``Rule`` class. Args: rulecls: The rule class using the helper class. config: Config from the rule class, if any. """ return config class Helper(AbstractHelper): "Rule helper basic base class." __slots__ = ('rule', 'config') def __init__(self, rule: Rule, /): Rule.AbstractHelper.__init__(self, rule) class HelperDict(AbstractHelper, dict[_KT, _VT]): "Rule helper base class that also subclasses dict." __slots__ = ('rule', 'config') def __init__(self, rule: Rule, /): Rule.AbstractHelper.__init__(self, rule) class RuleNameAttrInducer: names = ( 'operator', 'quantifier', 'predicate', 'negated', 'designation') doubleneg = 'DoubleNegation' designates = ('Undesignated', 'Designated') negatedstr = 'Negated' obj: Any name: str todo: str attrs: dict[str, Any] notfounds: list[str] conflicts: dict[str, tuple[str, str, str]] def __init__(self, obj: Any): self.obj = obj = self.obj.__name__ self.todo = self.attrs = {} self.notfounds = [] self.conflicts = {} @property def is_doubleneg(self): return def build(self): for name in self.names: name = Rule.Legend(name).value if not getattr(self, f'do_{name}')(name): self.notfounds.append(name) self.find_conflicts() if self.conflicts: raise TypeError( f'Direct __dict__ conflicts inducing autoattrs for ' f'{self.obj} : {self.conflicts}') for name in self.notfounds: if hasattr(self.obj, name): self.attrs[name] = None if not self.todo: return self.attrs def do_operator(self, name: str): if self.is_doubleneg: return self.found(name, self.doubleneg, Operator.Negation) return self.common_enum(name, Operator) def do_quantifier(self, name: str): return self.common_enum(name, Quantifier) def do_predicate(self, name: str): return self.common_enum(name, Predicate.System) def do_negated(self, name: str): if self.is_doubleneg: return self.found(name, '', True) if self.todo.startswith(self.negatedstr): return self.found(name, self.negatedstr, True) def do_designation(self, name: str): for i, indicator in enumerate(self.designates): if self.todo.startswith(indicator): return self.found(name, indicator, bool(i)) def found(self, name: str, indicator: str, value: Any): self.attrs[name] = value self.todo = self.todo.removeprefix(indicator) return True def find_conflicts(self): ns = self.obj.__dict__ for name in filter(ns.__contains__, self.attrs): value = self.attrs[name] old = getattr(self.obj, name, value) if old != value: self.conflicts[name] = (old, value) def common_enum(self, name: str, it: Iterable[Operator|Quantifier|Predicate]): for item in it: if self.todo.startswith( return self.found(name,, item) def adds(*groups, **kw): """Target dict builder for `AdzHelper`. Args: *groups: node groups. **kw: dict keywords. Returns: A dict built from ``dict(adds = groups, **kw)``. """ return dict(adds=groups, **kw) def snode(s): 'Make a sentence node.' return SentenceNode({Node.Key.sentence: s}) def swnode(s, w): 'Make a sentence/world node. Excludes world if None.' if w is None: return snode(s) return SentenceWorldNode({ Node.Key.sentence: s, w}) def sdnode(s, d): 'Make a sentence/designated node.' if d is None: return snode(s) return SentenceDesignationNode({ Node.Key.sentence: s, Node.Key.designation: d}) def sdwnode(s, d, w): 'Make a sentence/designated/world node. Excludes world if None.' if w is None: return sdnode(s, d) if d is None: return swnode(s, w) return SentenceDesignationWorldNode({ Node.Key.sentence: s, Node.Key.designation: d, w}) def anode(w1, w2): 'Make an Access node.' return AccessNode({ Node.Key.world1: w1, Node.Key.world2: w2}) def sdwgroup(*nodes): return *itertools.starmap(sdwnode, nodes), from .common import AccessNode as AccessNode from .common import Branch as Branch from .common import ClosureNode as ClosureNode from .common import Designation as Designation from .common import DesignationNode as DesignationNode from .common import EllipsisNode as EllipsisNode from .common import FlagNode as FlagNode from .common import Modal as Modal from .common import Node as Node from .common import QuitFlagNode as QuitFlagNode from .common import SentenceDesignationNode as SentenceDesignationNode from .common import SentenceDesignationWorldNode as SentenceDesignationWorldNode from .common import SentenceNode as SentenceNode from .common import SentenceWorldNode as SentenceWorldNode from .common import Target as Target from .common import WorldNode as WorldNode from .tableaux import Rule as Rule from .tableaux import RuleGroup as RuleGroup from .tableaux import RuleGroups as RuleGroups from .tableaux import RulesRoot as RulesRoot from .tableaux import Tableau as Tableau pass from .rules import ClosingRule as ClosingRule pass from . import filters as filters from . import helpers as helpers from .writers import TabWriter as TabWriter