Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import keyword
import re
import sys
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from import Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence, Set
from enum import Enum
from operator import gt, lt
from types import FunctionType
from types import MappingProxyType as MapProxy
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Generic, Iterable, Self,

__all__ = (

EMPTY_MAP = MapProxy({})
EMPTY_SET = frozenset()
NOARG = object()
WRASS_SET = frozenset(functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS)
_F = TypeVar('_F', bound=Callable)
_KT = TypeVar('_KT')
_T = TypeVar('_T')
_VT = TypeVar('_VT')

    from typing import overload
    class TypeInstMap(Mapping[type[_VT], _VT]):
        def __getitem__(self, key: type[_T]) -> _T: ...
        def get(self, key: type[_T]) -> _T: ...
        def get(self, key: Any, default: type[_T]) -> _T: ...
        def copy(self:_T) -> _T: ...
        def setdefault(self, key: type[_T], value: Any) -> _T: ...
        def pop(self, key: type[_T]) -> _T: ...
    class TypeTypeMap(Mapping[type[_VT], type[_VT]]):
        def __getitem__(self, key: type[_T]) -> type[_T]: ...
        def get(self, key: type[_T]) -> type[_T]: ...
        def get(self, key: Any, default: type[_T]) -> type[_T]: ...
        def copy(self:_T) -> _T: ...
        def setdefault(self, key: type[_T], value: Any) -> type[_T]: ...
        def pop(self, key: type[_T]) -> type[_T]: ...

[docs] def dund(name: str) -> str: "Convert name to dunder format." return name if isdund(name) else f'__{name}__'
[docs] def isdund(name: str) -> bool: 'Whether the string is a dunder name string.' return ( len(name) > 4 and name[:2] == name[-2:] == '__' and name[2] != '_' and name[-3] != '_')
[docs] def undund(name: str) -> str: "Remove dunder from the name." if isdund(name): return name[2:-2] return name
[docs] def getitem(obj, key, default = NOARG, /): "Get by subscript similar to :func:`getattr`." try: return obj[key] except (KeyError, IndexError): if default is NOARG: raise return default
[docs] def select_fget(obj): """Return :func:`getitem()` if the object has a callable `__getitem__` method, else return :func:`getattr()`. """ if callable(getattr(obj, '__getitem__', None)): return getitem return getattr
[docs] def thru(obj: _T) -> _T: 'Return the argument.' return obj
[docs] def group(*items): """Tuple builder. Args: *items: members. Returns: The tuple of arguments. """ return items
[docs] def isint(obj) -> bool: 'Whether the argument is an :obj:`int` instance' return isinstance(obj, int)
[docs] def isattrstr(obj) -> bool: "Whether the argument is a non-keyword identifier string" return ( isinstance(obj, str) and obj.isidentifier() and not keyword.iskeyword(obj))
re_boolyes = re.compile(r'^(true|yes|1)$', re.I) 'Regex for string boolean `yes`.'
[docs] def sbool(arg: str, /) -> bool: "Cast string to boolean, leans toward ``False``." return bool(re_boolyes.match(arg))
[docs] def minfloor(floor: _T, it: Iterable[_T], default=None) -> _T: """Return the minimum value of ``it``, stopping when a value less than or equal to ``floor`` is reached. """ return _limit_best(lt, floor, it, default, 'minfloor')
[docs] def maxceil(ceil: _T, it: Iterable[_T], default=None) -> _T: """Return the maximum value of ``it``, stopping when a value greater than or equal to ``ceil`` is reached. """ return _limit_best(gt, ceil, it, default, 'maxceil')
[docs] def limit_best(better: Callable[[_T, _T], bool], limit: _T, it: Iterable[_T], default=None) -> _T: """Generic form for :func:`minfloor()` and :func:`maxceil()`. Args: better: A pairwise comparison function, e.g. :func:`` limit: The limit, e.g. floor or ceil. it: The iterable. default: A default value for an empty iterable. """ return _limit_best(better, limit, it, default, 'limit_best')
def _limit_best(better, limit, it, default, _name, /): it = iter(it) try: best = next(it) except StopIteration: if default is not None: return default raise ValueError( f"{_name}() arg is an empty sequence") from None for val in it: if val == limit or better(val, limit): return val if better(val, best): best = val return best
[docs] def substitute(collection: _T, old, new) -> _T: """Return a new instance of the collection type with ``new`` substituted for ``old``. """ return type(collection)(new if x == old else x for x in collection)
[docs] def for_defaults(defaults: Mapping[_KT, _VT], override: Mapping, /) -> dict[_KT, _VT]: """Return a dict with keys from ``defaults``, with values from ``override``, or ``defaults`` if missing. """ if not override: return dict(defaults) return {key: override.get(key, defval) for key, defval in defaults.items()}
[docs] def absindex(seqlen: int, index: int, /, strict = True) -> int: 'Normalize to positive/absolute index.' if index < 0: index = seqlen + index if strict and (index >= seqlen or index < 0): raise IndexError(f'Index out of range: {index}') return index
[docs] def slicerange(seqlen: int, slice_: slice, values, /, strict = True) -> range: 'Get a range of indexes from a slice and new values, and perform checks.' range_ = range(*slice_.indices(seqlen)) if len(range_) != len(values): if strict: raise ValueError( f'Attempt to assign sequence of size {len(values)} ' f'to slice of size {len(range_)}') if abs(slice_.step or 1) != 1: raise ValueError( f'Attempt to assign sequence of size {len(values)} ' f'to extended slice of size {len(range_)}') return range_
def _prevmodule(thisname = __name__, /): f = sys._getframe() while (f := f.f_back) is not None: val = f.f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__') if val != thisname: return val
[docs] class wraps(dict): 'Replacement for :func:`functools.wraps`.' __slots__ = ('only', 'wrapped') def __init__(self, wrapped = None, /, *, only = WRASS_SET, exclude = EMPTY_SET, **kw): 'Initialize argument, initial input function that will be decorated.' self.wrapped = wrapped only = set(map(dund, only)) only.difference_update(map(dund, exclude)) only.intersection_update(WRASS_SET) self.only = only self.update(**kw) if wrapped: self.update(wrapped) if (k := '__module__') in only and k not in self: if (v := getattr(wrapped, '__objclass__', None)): self.setdefault(k, v) else: self.setdefault(k, _prevmodule()) def __call__(self, wrapper): 'Decorate function. Receives the wrapper function and updates its attributes.' self.update(wrapper) if isinstance(wrapper, (classmethod, staticmethod)): self.write(wrapper.__func__) else: self.write(wrapper) return wrapper
[docs] def write(self, wrapper): "Write wrapped attributes to a wrapper." for attr in filter(self.__contains__, self.only): setattr(wrapper, attr, self[attr]) if callable(self.wrapped): wrapper.__wrapped__ = self.wrapped return wrapper
[docs] def update(self, obj = None, /, **kw): """Read from an object/mapping and update relevant values. Any attributes already present are ignored. Returns self. """ for o in obj, kw: if o is not None: for attr, val in if attr not in self: self[attr] = val return self
[docs] def read(self, obj): "Read relevant attributes from object/mapping." get = select_fget(obj) for name in self.only: if (value := get(obj, name, None)): yield name, value elif (value := get(obj, undund(name), None)): yield name, value
[docs] def setdefault(self, key, value): "Override value if key is relevant and value is not empty." if key in self.only: if value: self[key] = value return self[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self or key not in self.only: raise KeyError(key) super().__setitem__(key, value) def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}({dict(self)})'
[docs] def closure(func: Callable[..., _T]) -> _T: """Closure decorator calls the argument and returns its return value. If the return value is a function, updates its wrapper. """ ret = func() if isinstance(ret, (classmethod, staticmethod, FunctionType)): # if type(ret) is FunctionType: wraps(func).write(ret) return ret
[docs] @closure def dmerged(): # TODO: memoize ... def merger(a: Mapping, b: Mapping, /) -> dict: 'Basic dict merge copy, recursive for dict value.' c = {} for key, value in b.items(): if isinstance(value, Mapping): if isinstance(a.get(key), Mapping): c[key] = merger(a[key], value) else: c[key] = dcopy(value) else: c[key] = value for key, value in a.items(): if key not in c: if isinstance(value, Mapping): c[key] = dcopy(value) else: c[key] = value return c def dcopy(a: Mapping, /) -> dict: 'Basic dict copy of a mapping, recursive for mapping values.' return { key: dcopy(value) if isinstance(value, Mapping) else value for key, value in a.items()} return merger
class membr: __slots__ = ('callable', 'args', 'kwargs', '__name__', '__qualname__') callable: Callable args: tuple kwargs: dict @property def name(self) -> str: try: return self.__name__ except AttributeError: return type(self).__name__ def __init__(self, callable: Callable, *args, **kw): self.callable = callable self.args = args self.kwargs = kw def __call__(self): return self.callable(self, *self.args, **self.kwargs) @classmethod def defer(cls, wrapped: Callable[[membr], _F]): @wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return cls(wrapped, *args, **kw) return wrapper def __set_name__(self, owner, name): self.__name__ = name self.__qualname__ = f'{owner.__name__}.{name}' setattr(owner, name, self()) def __repr__(self) -> str: if not hasattr(self, '__qualname__') or not callable(self): return object.__repr__(self) return '<callable %s at %s>' % (self.__qualname__, hex(id(self)))
[docs] class NoSetAttr: 'Lame thing that does a lame thing.' enabled: bool "Whether raising is enabled." defaults = MapProxy(dict( efmt = ( "Attribute '{0}' of '{1.__class__.__name__}' " "objects is readonly").format, # Control attribute name to check on the object, # e.g. '_readonly', in addition to this object's # `enabled` setting. attr = '_readonly', # If `True`: Check `attr` on the object's class; # If set to a `type`, check the `attr` on that class; # If Falsy, only check for this object's `enabled` setting. cls = None)) __slots__ = ('cache', 'opts', 'enabled') opts: dict[str, Any] cache: dict[Callable, dict[tuple, Any]] def __init__(self, /, *, enabled = True, **opts): self.enabled = bool(enabled) self.opts = for_defaults(self.defaults, opts) self.cache = defaultdict(dict) def __call__(self, base: type, **opts): return self._make(base.__setattr__, **(self.opts | opts)) def _make(self, wrapped, /, efmt, attr, cls): if cls is True: check = self._clschecker(attr) elif cls: check = self._fixedchecker(attr, cls) else: check = self._selfchecker(attr) @wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(obj, name, value, /): if self.enabled and check(obj): raise AttributeError(efmt(name, obj)) wrapped(obj, name, value) return wrapper def cached(wrapped: _F): @wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(self: NoSetAttr, *args): cache = self.cache[wrapped] try: return cache[args] except KeyError: return cache.setdefault(args, wrapped(self, *args)) return wrapper @cached def _fixedchecker(self, attr, obj): return lambda _: getattr(obj, attr, False) @cached def _callchecker(self, attr, fget): return lambda obj: getattr(fget(obj), attr, False) @cached def _clschecker(self, attr): return self._callchecker(type, attr) @cached def _selfchecker(self, attr): return lambda obj: getattr(obj, attr, False) del(cached)
[docs] class MapCover(Mapping[_KT, _VT]): 'Mapping reference.' __slots__ = ('__getitem__', '_cov_mapping') _cov_mapping: Mapping def __init__(self, mapping: Mapping, /): if type(mapping) is not MapProxy: mapping = MapProxy(mapping) self._cov_mapping = mapping self.__getitem__ = mapping.__getitem__ def __reversed__(self): return reversed(self._cov_mapping) def __len__(self): return len(self._cov_mapping) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._cov_mapping) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._asdict()) def __or__(self, other): return dict(self) | other def __ror__(self, other): return other | dict(self) def _asdict(self): 'Compatibility for JSON serialization.' return dict(self)
[docs] class SeqCover(Sequence): 'Sequence cover.' class CoverAttr(frozenset, Enum): REQUIRED = { '__len__', '__getitem__', '__contains__', '__iter__', 'count', 'index'} OPTIONAL = {'__reversed__'} ALL = REQUIRED | OPTIONAL __slots__ = CoverAttr.ALL def __new__(cls, seq: Sequence, /): self = object.__new__(cls) for name in cls.CoverAttr.ALL: value = getattr(seq, name, NOARG) if value is NOARG: if name in cls.CoverAttr.REQUIRED: raise AttributeError(name) continue setattr(self, name, value) return self def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}({list(self)})'
[docs] class KeySetAttr: "Mixin class for read-write attribute-key gate." __slots__ = EMPTY_SET def __setitem__(self, key, value, /): super().__setitem__(key, value) if isattrstr(key) and self._keyattr_ok(key): super().__setattr__(key, value) def __setattr__(self, name, value): super().__setattr__(name, value) if self._keyattr_ok(name): super().__setitem__(name, value) def __delitem__(self, key, /): super().__delitem__(key) if isattrstr(key) and self._keyattr_ok(key): super().__delattr__(key) def __delattr__(self, name): super().__delattr__(name) if self._keyattr_ok(name) and name in self: super().__delitem__(name) @classmethod def _keyattr_ok(cls, name: str) -> bool: 'Return whether it is ok to set the attribute name.' return not hasattr(cls, name)
[docs] class dictattr(KeySetAttr, dict[_KT, _VT]): "Dict attr base class." __slots__ = EMPTY_SET def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.update(*args, **kw) pop = MutableMapping.pop popitem = MutableMapping.popitem setdefault = MutableMapping.setdefault update = MutableMapping.update
[docs] class dictns(dictattr[_KT, _VT]): "Dict attr namespace with __dict__ slot and liberal key approval." @classmethod def _keyattr_ok(cls, name): return not name.startswith('_') and not hasattr(cls, name)
[docs] class TransMmap(MutableMapping[_KT, _VT], MapCover[_KT, _VT]): 'Mutable mapping with key/value translators' __slots__ = ( '__delitem__', '__getitem__', '__setitem__') kget = kset = vget = vset = staticmethod(thru) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self._cov_mapping = MapProxy(mapping := dict(*args, **kw)) self.__getitem__ = lambda key: self.vget(mapping.__getitem__(self.kget(key))) self.__setitem__ = lambda key, value: mapping.__setitem__(self.kset(key), self.vset(value)) self.__delitem__ = lambda key: mapping.__delitem__(self.kset(key))
[docs] class PathedDict(dict[str, _VT]): "A nested dict that supports key path expressions like 'a:b:c'." separator: str = ':' default = dict __slots__ = EMPTY_SET def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.update(*args, **kw) def __getitem__(self, key): try: return super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: if not isinstance(key, str) or self.separator not in key: raise obj = self for key in key.split(self.separator): obj = obj[key] return obj def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, str) or self.separator not in key: return super().__setitem__(key, value) path = key.split(self.separator) last = path.pop() obj = self for key in path: try: obj = obj[key] except KeyError: obj = obj.setdefault(key, self.default()) obj[last] = value def __delitem__(self, key): try: super().__delitem__(key) except KeyError: if not isinstance(key, str) or self.separator not in key: raise path = key.split(self.separator) last = path.pop() obj = self for key in path: obj = obj[key] del obj[last] get = MutableMapping.get pop = MutableMapping.pop popitem = MutableMapping.popitem setdefault = MutableMapping.setdefault update = MutableMapping.update
class ForObjectBuilder(Generic[_T]): __slots__ = EMPTY_SET @classmethod def for_object(cls, obj: _T, /) -> Self: return cls( *cls.get_obj_args(obj), **dict(cls.get_obj_kwargs(obj))) @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_obj_args(cls, obj: _T, /) -> Iterable[Any]: yield from EMPTY_SET @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_obj_kwargs(cls, obj: _T, /) -> Iterable[tuple[str, Any]]: yield from EMPTY_SET
[docs] class ItemMapEnum(Enum): """Fixed mapping enum based on item tuples. If a member value is defined as a mapping, the member's ``_value_`` attribute is converted to a tuple of item tuples during ``__init__()``. Implementations should always call ``super().__init__()`` if it is overridden. """ __slots__ = ( '__iter__', '__getitem__', '__len__', '__reversed__', 'name', 'value', '_name_', '_value_') def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Mapping): self._value_ = args = tuple(args[0].items()) m = dict(args) self.__len__ = m.__len__ self.__iter__ = m.__iter__ self.__getitem__ = m.__getitem__ self.__reversed__ = m.__reversed__ = self._name_ self.value = self._value_ keys = Mapping.keys items = Mapping.items values = Mapping.values get = Mapping.get def __or__(self, other): return dict(self) | other def __ror__(self, other): return other | dict(self) def _asdict(self): 'Compatibility for JSON serialization.' return dict(self)
from .abcs import Copyable pass
[docs] class SetView(Set, Copyable, immutcopy=True): 'Set cover.' __slots__ = ('__contains__', '__iter__', '__len__') def __new__(cls, set_, /,): if not isinstance(set_, Set): raise TypeError(type(set_)) self = object.__new__(cls) self.__len__ = set_.__len__ self.__iter__ = set_.__iter__ self.__contains__ = set_.__contains__ return self def __repr__(self): prefix = type(self).__name__ if len(self): return f'{prefix}{set(self)}' return f'{prefix}''{}'
from .hybrids import EMPTY_QSET as EMPTY_QSET from .hybrids import SequenceSet as SequenceSet from .hybrids import qset as qset from .hybrids import qsetf as qsetf pass from . import lazy as lazy