Source code for pytableaux.logics.kfde

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable

from ..lang import Operated, Operator
from ..proof import Branch, Node, Target, adds, anode, sdwgroup, sdwnode
from ..proof.helpers import (AdzHelper, AplSentCount, FilterHelper, MaxWorlds,
                             NodeCount, NodesWorlds, QuitFlag, WorldIndex)
from import EMPTY_SET, group, maxceil, minfloor
from . import LogicType
from . import fde as FDE

    from typing import overload

class Meta(FDE.Meta):
    name = 'KFDE'
    title = 'FDE with K modal'
    modal = True
    description = 'Modal version of FDE based on K normal modal logic'
    native_operators = FDE.Meta.native_operators | LogicType.Meta.modal_operators
    category_order = 1
    extension_of = ('FDE')

class Model(FDE.Model):

    def value_of_operated(self, s: Operated, /, *, world: int = 0):
        oper = s.operator
        if self.Meta.modal and oper in self.Meta.modal_operators:
            it = self._unmodal_values(s, world)
            if oper is Operator.Possibility:
                return maxceil(self.maxval, it, self.minval)
            if oper is Operator.Necessity:
                return minfloor(self.minval, it, self.maxval)
            raise NotImplementedError from ValueError(oper)
        # Must call explicit parent function so K.Model can reuse this
        # method by direct reference without inheritance
        # return super().value_of_operated(s, world=world)
        return LogicType.Model.value_of_operated(self, s, world=world)

class System(FDE.System):

    class ModalOperatorRule(FDE.System.OperatorNodeRule):

        Helpers = (QuitFlag, MaxWorlds)

        def _get_targets(self, node: Node, branch: Branch, /):
            """Wrapped by ``@FilterHelper.node_targets``. Checks MaxWorlds,
            and delegates to abstract method ``_get_node_targets()``.
            # Check for max worlds reached
            res = self._check_maxworlds(node, branch)
            if res:
                if res is not True:
                    yield res
            yield from self._get_node_targets(node, branch)

        def _get_node_targets(self, node: Node, branch: Branch, /) -> Iterable[Target]:
            yield from EMPTY_SET

        if TYPE_CHECKING:
            def new_designation(self, d: bool) -> bool: ...

        new_designation = staticmethod(bool)

        def _check_maxworlds(self, node: Node, branch: Branch, /) -> bool|dict:
            # Check for max worlds reached
            if self[MaxWorlds].is_exceeded(branch):
                self[FilterHelper].release(node, branch)
                if not self[QuitFlag].get(branch):
                    fnode = self[MaxWorlds].quit_flag(branch)
                    return adds(group(fnode), flag=fnode[Node.Key.flag])
                return True
            return False

[docs] class Rules(LogicType.Rules): closure = FDE.Rules.closure
[docs] class PossibilityDesignated(System.ModalOperatorRule): Helpers = (AplSentCount) def _get_node_targets(self, node: Node, branch: Branch, /): si = self.sentence(node).lhs d = self.designation # Allow override for S4GO if d is not None: d = self.new_designation(d) w1 = node['world'] w2 = branch.new_world() yield adds( group(sdwnode(si, d, w2), anode(w1, w2)), designated=d, sentence=si)
[docs] def score_candidate(self, target, /) -> float: """ Overrides `AdzHelper` closure score """ if target.get('flag'): return 1.0 # override s = self.sentence(target.node) si = s.lhs d = self.designation if d is not None: d = self.new_designation(d) # Don't bother checking for closure since we will always have a new world track_count = self[AplSentCount][target.branch][si, d] if track_count == 0: return 1.0 return -1.0 * self[MaxWorlds].modals[s] * track_count
[docs] def group_score(self, target, /) -> float: if target['candidate_score'] > 0: return 1.0 s = self.sentence(target.node) si = s.lhs d = self.designation if d is not None: d = self.new_designation(d) return -1.0 * self[AplSentCount][target.branch][si, d]
[docs] class PossibilityNegatedDesignated(System.OperatorNodeRule): def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /): yield adds(sdwgroup((self.operator.other(~s.lhs), d, w)))
[docs] class NecessityDesignated(System.ModalOperatorRule): ticking = False Helpers = (NodeCount, NodesWorlds, WorldIndex) def _get_node_targets(self, node, branch, /): # Only count least-applied-to nodes if not self[NodeCount].isleast(node, branch): return s = self.sentence(node) d = self.designation if d is not None: d = self.new_designation(d) si = s.lhs w1 = node['world'] for w2 in self[WorldIndex][branch].get(w1, EMPTY_SET): if (node, w2) in self[NodesWorlds][branch]: continue add = sdwnode(si, d, w2) if branch.has(add): continue nodes = (node, branch.find(anode(w1, w2))) yield adds(group(add), sentence=si, world=w2, nodes=nodes)
[docs] def score_candidate(self, target, /) -> float: if target.get('flag'): return 1.0 # We are already restricted to least-applied-to nodes by # ``_get_node_targets()`` # Check for closure if self[AdzHelper].closure_score(target) == 1: return 1.0 # Not applied to yet apcount = self[NodeCount][target.branch][target.node] if apcount == 0: return 1.0 # Pick the least branching complexity return -1.0 * self.tableau.branching_complexity(target.node)
[docs] def group_score(self, target, /) -> float: if self.score_candidate(target) > 0: return 1.0 return -1.0 * self[NodeCount][target.branch][target.node]
[docs] def example_nodes(self): yield from super().example_nodes() yield anode(0, 1)
[docs] class PossibilityNegatedUndesignated(PossibilityNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class PossibilityUndesignated(NecessityDesignated): pass
[docs] class NecessityNegatedDesignated(PossibilityNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class NecessityUndesignated(PossibilityDesignated): pass
[docs] class NecessityNegatedUndesignated(PossibilityNegatedDesignated): pass
groups = ( FDE.Rules.groups[0] + group( # non-branching rules PossibilityNegatedDesignated, PossibilityNegatedUndesignated, NecessityNegatedDesignated, NecessityNegatedUndesignated), # branching rules FDE.Rules.groups[1], # modal operator rules group( NecessityDesignated, PossibilityUndesignated), group( NecessityUndesignated, PossibilityDesignated), # quantifier rules *FDE.Rules.unquantifying_groups) @classmethod def _check_groups(cls): for branching, group in zip(range(2), cls.groups): for rulecls in group: assert rulecls.branching == branching, f'{rulecls}'