Source code for pytableaux.logics.k

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import deque

from ..lang import Atomic, Constant, Operator, Predicate, Predicated
from ..models import ValueCPL
from ..proof import SentenceNode, Target, WorldNode, adds, rules, swnode
from ..proof.helpers import FilterHelper, PredNodes
from import group, substitute
from . import LogicType
from . import fde as FDE
from . import kfde as KFDE

class Meta(LogicType.Meta):
    name = 'K'
    title = 'Kripke Normal Modal Logic'
    modal = True
    quantified = True
    values: type[ValueCPL] = ValueCPL
    designated_values = frozenset({values.T})
    unassigned_value = values.F
    description = 'Base normal modal logic with no access relation restrictions'
    category_order = 1
    native_operators = FDE.Meta.native_operators | LogicType.Meta.modal_operators
    extension_of = ('CFOL', 'KK3', 'KL3', 'KLP', 'KRM3', 'KK3W', 'KB3E', 'KG3')

class Model(LogicType.Model[Meta.values]):
    A K model comprises a non-empty collection of K-frames, a world access
    relation, and a set of constants (the domain).

    TruthFunction = FDE.Model.TruthFunction
    value_of_quantified = FDE.Model.value_of_quantified
    value_of_operated = KFDE.Model.value_of_operated

    def _read_node(self, node, branch, /):
        super()._read_node(node, branch)
        if not isinstance(node, SentenceNode):
        s = node['sentence']
        if isinstance(node, WorldNode):
            w = node['world']
            w = 0
        if self.is_sentence_opaque(s):
            self.set_opaque_value(s, self.values.T, world = w)
        elif self.is_sentence_literal(s):
            self.set_literal_value(s, self.values.T, world = w)

    def finish(self):
        for w, frame in self.frames.items():
            for pred in deque(frame.predicates):
                self._agument_extension_with_identicals(pred, w)
        return super().finish()

    def _ensure_self_identity(self, w):
        if not len(self.constants):
        interp = self.frames[w].predicates[Predicate.Identity]
        # make sure each constant is self-identical
        interp.pos.update((c, c) for c in self.constants)

    def _ensure_self_existence(self, w):
        if not len(self.constants):
        interp = self.frames[w].predicates[Predicate.Existence]
        # make sure each constant exists
        interp.pos.update(map(group, self.constants))

    def _agument_extension_with_identicals(self, pred: Predicate, w):
        pos = self.frames[w].predicates[pred].pos
        add = pos.add
        for c in self.constants:
            identicals = self._get_identicals(c, w)
            to_add = set()
            for params in pos:
                if c in params:
                    for new_c in identicals:
                        to_add.add(substitute(params, c, new_c))
            for params in to_add:

    def _get_identicals(self, c: Constant, w=0) -> set[Constant]:
        interp = self.frames[w].predicates[Predicate.Identity]
        identicals = set()
        update = identicals.update
        for params in interp.pos:
            if c in params:
        return identicals

class System(FDE.System):

    def build_trunk(cls, b, arg, /):
        To build the trunk for an argument, add a node with each premise, with
        world :m:`w0`, followed by a node with the negation of the conclusion
        with world :m:`w0`.
        w = 0 if cls.modal else None
        b += (swnode(s, w) for s in arg.premises)
        b += swnode(~arg.conclusion, w)

    def branching_complexity(cls, node, rules, /) -> int:
            s = node['sentence']
        except KeyError:
            return 0
        negated = False
        result = 0
        for oper in s.operators:
            if not negated and oper is Operator.Negation:
                negated = True
            if negated and oper is Operator.Negation:
                name = 'DoubleNegation'
                name =
                if negated:
                    name += 'Negated'
            rulecls = rules.get(name, None)
            if rulecls:
                result += rulecls.branching
                negated = False
        return result

    def branching_complexity_hashable(cls, node, /):
            return node['sentence'].operators
        except KeyError:

[docs] class Rules(LogicType.Rules):
[docs] class ContradictionClosure(rules.FindClosingNodeRule): """ A branch closes when a sentence and its negation both appear on a node **with the same world** on the branch. """ def _find_closing_node(self, node, branch, /): s = self.sentence(node) if s is not None: return branch.find(swnode(-s, node.get('world')))
[docs] def example_nodes(self): s = Atomic.first() w = 0 if self.modal else None yield swnode(s, w) yield swnode(~s, w)
[docs] class SelfIdentityClosure(rules.BaseClosureRule, rules.PredicatedSentenceRule): """ A branch closes when a sentence of the form :s:`~a = a` appears on the branch *at any world*. """ negated = True predicate = Predicate.Identity def _branch_target_hook(self, node, branch, /): if self.node_will_close_branch(node, branch): return Target(node=node, branch=branch) self[FilterHelper].release(node, branch) self[PredNodes].release(node, branch)
[docs] def node_will_close_branch(self, node, branch, /) -> bool: return ( self[FilterHelper].config.pred(node) and len(set(self.sentence(node))) == 1)
[docs] def example_nodes(self): w = 0 if self.modal else None c = Constant.first() yield swnode(~self.predicate((c, c)), w)
[docs] class NonExistenceClosure(rules.BaseClosureRule, rules.PredicatedSentenceRule): """ A branch closes when a sentence of the form :s:`~!a` appears on the branch *at any world*. """ negated = True predicate = Predicate.Existence def _branch_target_hook(self, node, branch, /): if self.node_will_close_branch(node, branch): return Target(node=node, branch=branch) self[FilterHelper].release(node, branch) self[PredNodes].release(node, branch)
[docs] def node_will_close_branch(self, node, branch, /): return self[FilterHelper](node, branch)
[docs] def example_nodes(self): s = ~Predicated.first(self.predicate) w = 0 if self.modal else None yield swnode(s, w)
[docs] class DoubleNegation(FDE.Rules.DoubleNegationDesignated): pass
[docs] class Assertion(FDE.Rules.AssertionDesignated): pass
[docs] class AssertionNegated(FDE.Rules.AssertionNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class Conjunction(FDE.Rules.ConjunctionDesignated): pass
[docs] class ConjunctionNegated(FDE.Rules.ConjunctionNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class Disjunction(FDE.Rules.DisjunctionDesignated): pass
[docs] class DisjunctionNegated(FDE.Rules.DisjunctionNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class MaterialConditional(FDE.Rules.MaterialConditionalDesignated): pass
[docs] class MaterialConditionalNegated(FDE.Rules.MaterialConditionalNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class MaterialBiconditional(FDE.Rules.MaterialBiconditionalDesignated): pass
[docs] class MaterialBiconditionalNegated(FDE.Rules.MaterialBiconditionalNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class Conditional(MaterialConditional): pass
[docs] class ConditionalNegated(MaterialConditionalNegated): pass
[docs] class Biconditional(MaterialBiconditional): pass
[docs] class BiconditionalNegated(MaterialBiconditionalNegated): pass
[docs] class Existential(FDE.Rules.ExistentialDesignated): pass
[docs] class ExistentialNegated(FDE.Rules.ExistentialNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class Universal(FDE.Rules.UniversalDesignated): pass
[docs] class UniversalNegated(ExistentialNegated): pass
[docs] class Possibility(KFDE.Rules.PossibilityDesignated): pass
[docs] class PossibilityNegated(KFDE.Rules.PossibilityNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class Necessity(KFDE.Rules.NecessityDesignated): pass
[docs] class NecessityNegated(PossibilityNegated): pass
[docs] class IdentityIndiscernability(System.DefaultNodeRule, rules.PredicatedSentenceRule): """ From an unticked node *n* having an Identity sentence *s* at world *w* on an open branch *b*, and a predicated node *n'* whose sentence *s'* has a constant that is a parameter of *s*, if the replacement of that constant for the other constant of *s* is a sentence that does not appear on *b* at *w*, then add it. """ ticking = False predicate = Predicate.Identity def _get_node_targets(self, node, branch, /): pa, pb = self.sentence(node) if pa == pb: # Substituting a param for itself would be silly. return w = node.get('world') # Find other nodes with one of the identicals. for n in self[PredNodes][branch]: if n is node: continue s = self.sentence(n) if pa in s.params: p_old, p_new = pa, pb elif pb in s.params: p_old, p_new = pb, pa else: continue # Replace p with p1. params = substitute(s.params, p_old, p_new) # Since we have SelfIdentityClosure, we don't need a = a. if s.predicate == self.predicate and params[0] == params[1]: continue # Create a node with the substituted param. n_new = swnode(s.predicate(params), w) # Check if it already appears on the branch. if branch.has(n_new): continue # The rule applies. yield adds(group(n_new), nodes=(node, n))
[docs] def example_nodes(self): s1 = Predicated.first() w = 0 if self.modal else None yield swnode(s1, w) s2 = self.predicate((s1[0], s1[0].next())) yield swnode(s2, w)
closure = ( ContradictionClosure, SelfIdentityClosure, NonExistenceClosure) groups = ( group( # non-branching rules IdentityIndiscernability, Assertion, AssertionNegated, Conjunction, DisjunctionNegated, MaterialConditionalNegated, ConditionalNegated, DoubleNegation, PossibilityNegated, NecessityNegated, ExistentialNegated, UniversalNegated), group( # branching rules ConjunctionNegated, Disjunction, MaterialConditional, MaterialBiconditional, MaterialBiconditionalNegated, Conditional, Biconditional, BiconditionalNegated), group( # modal operator rules Necessity, Possibility), group( Existential, Universal)) @classmethod def _check_groups(cls): for branching, group in zip(range(2), cls.groups): for rulecls in group: assert rulecls.branching == branching, f'{rulecls}'