Source code for pytableaux.logics.fde

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from itertools import chain, starmap

from ..lang import (Argument, Atomic, Operated, Operator, Quantified,
                    Quantifier, Sentence)
from ..models import ValueFDE
from ..proof import (Branch, Node, RulesRoot, SentenceNode, WorldNode, adds,
                     filters, rules, sdwgroup, sdwnode)
from import group, maxceil, minfloor, wraps, abcs
from . import LogicType

class Meta(LogicType.Meta):
    name = 'FDE'
    title = 'First Degree Entailment'
    modal = False
    quantified = True
    values = ValueFDE
    designated_values = frozenset({values.B, values.T})
    unassigned_value = values.N
    description = 'Four-valued logic (True, False, Neither, Both)'
    category_order = 1
    native_operators = (

class Model(LogicType.Model[ValueFDE]):
    'An FDE Model.'

    class TruthFunction(LogicType.Model.TruthFunction[ValueFDE]):

        def Assertion(self, a, /):
            return self.values[a]

        def Negation(self, a, /):
            if a == self.values.F:
                return self.values.T
            if a == self.values.T:
                return self.values.F
            return self.values[a]

        Conjunction = staticmethod(min)

        Disjunction = staticmethod(max)

        def MaterialConditional(self, a, b, /):
            return self.Disjunction(self.Negation(a), b)

        def MaterialBiconditional(self, a, b, /):
            return self.Conjunction(*starmap(self.MaterialConditional, ((a, b), (b, a))))

        Conditional = MaterialConditional

        def Biconditional(self, a, b, /):
            return self.Conjunction(*starmap(self.Conditional, ((a, b), (b, a))))

    def value_of_quantified(self, s: Quantified, /, **kw):
        The value of a quantified sentence is determined from the values of
        sentences that result from replacing each constant for the quantified
        variable. For an existential quantifier, this is the max value, and
        for a universial quantifier, it is the min value.
        it = self._unquantify_values(s, **kw)
        if s.quantifier is Quantifier.Existential:
            return maxceil(self.maxval, it, self.minval)
        if s.quantifier is Quantifier.Universal:
            return minfloor(self.minval, it, self.maxval)
        raise NotImplementedError from ValueError(s.quantifier)

    def _read_node(self, node, branch, /):
        super()._read_node(node, branch)
        if not isinstance(node, SentenceNode):
        s = node['sentence']
        is_literal = self.is_sentence_literal(s)
        is_opaque = self.is_sentence_opaque(s)
        if not is_literal and not is_opaque:
        d = node['designated']
        s_negative = -s
        has_negative = branch.has(sdwnode(s_negative, d, node.get('world')))
        is_negated = type(s) is Operated and s.operator is Operator.Negation
        if is_negated:
            # If the sentence is negated, set the value of the negatum
            s = s_negative
            if d:
                if has_negative:
                    # If the node is designated, and the negatum is
                    # also designated on b, the value is B
                    value = 'B'
                    # If the node is designated, but the negatum is
                    # not also designated on b, the value is F
                    value = 'F'
                if has_negative:
                    # If the node is undesignated, and the negatum is
                    # also undesignated on b, the value is N
                    value = 'N'
                    # If the node is undesignated, but the negatum is
                    # not also undesignated on b, the value is T
                    value = 'T'
            # If the sentence is unnegated, set the value of the sentence
            if d:
                if has_negative:
                    # If the node is designated, and its negation is
                    # also designated on b, the value is B
                    value = 'B'
                    # If the node is designated, but the negation is
                    # not also designated on b, the value is T
                    value = 'T'
                if has_negative:
                    # If the node is undesignated, and its negation is
                    # also undesignated on b, the value is N
                    value = 'N'
                    # If the node is undesginated, but the negation is
                    # not also undesignated on b, the value is F
                    value = 'F'
        value = self.values[value]
        if isinstance(node, WorldNode):
            w = node['world']
            w = 0
        if is_opaque:
            self.set_opaque_value(s, value, world=w)
            self.set_literal_value(s, value, world=w)

class System(LogicType.System):

    def build_trunk(cls, b: Branch, arg: Argument, /):
        w = 0 if cls.modal else None
        b += (sdwnode(s, True, w) for s in arg.premises)
        b += sdwnode(arg.conclusion, False, w)

    def branching_complexity(cls, node: Node, rules: RulesRoot, /):
            s = node['sentence']
        except KeyError:
            return 0
        negated = False
        result = 0
        for oper in s.operators:
            if not negated and oper is Operator.Negation:
                negated = True
            if negated and oper is Operator.Negation:
                name = 'DoubleNegation'
                name =
                if negated:
                    name += 'Negated'
            if node['designated']:
                name += 'Designated'
                name += 'Undesignated'
            rulecls = rules.get(name, None)
            if rulecls:
                result += rulecls.branching
                negated = False
        return result

    def branching_complexity_hashable(cls, node: Node, /):
            return node['sentence'].operators, node['designated']
        except KeyError:

    class DefaultNodeRule(rules.GetNodeTargetsRule, intermediate=True):
        """Default FDE node rule with:
        - BaseSimpleRule:
            - `_apply()` delegates to AdzHelper's `_apply()`. ticking is default True
            - `score_candidate()` delegates to AdzHelper's `closure_score()`
        - BaseNodeRule:
            - loads FilterHelper. ignore_ticked is default True
            - `example_nodes()` delegates to FilterHelper.
        - GetNodeTargetsRule:
            - `_get_targets()` wrapped by FilterHelper, then delegates to
            abstract `_get_node_targets()`.
        - DefaultNodeRule (this rule):
            - uses autoattrs to set attrs from the rule name.
            - implements `_get_node_targets()` with optional `_get_sd_targers()`.
                NB it is not marked as abstract but will throw NotImplementError.
            - adds a NodeDesignation filter.
        NodeFilters = group(filters.NodeDesignation, filters.NodeType)
        autoattrs = True

        def _get_node_targets(self, node: Node, branch: Branch, /):
            return self._get_sdw_targets(self.sentence(node), node['designated'], node.get('world'))

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s: Operated, d: bool, w: int|None, /):
            return self._get_sd_targets(s, d)

        def _get_sd_targets(self, s: Operated, d: bool, /):
            raise NotImplementedError

    class QuantifierNodeRule(DefaultNodeRule, rules.QuantifiedSentenceRule, intermediate=True): pass
    class QuantifierSkinnyRule(rules.NarrowQuantifierRule, QuantifierNodeRule, intermediate=True): pass
    class QuantifierFatRule(rules.ExtendedQuantifierRule, QuantifierNodeRule, intermediate=True): pass

    class OperatorNodeRule(DefaultNodeRule, rules.OperatedSentenceRule, intermediate=True):

        def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
            if abcs.isabstract(cls):
            if all(
                getattr(cls, name) is getattr(__class__, name)
                for name in (
                    def wrapped(self, s: Sentence, d: bool, /):
                        raise NotImplementedError
                    setattr(cls, '_get_sd_targets', wrapped)

    class FlippingRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            yield adds(sdwgroup((s, not d, w)))

    class NegatingFlippingRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            yield adds(sdwgroup((~s, not d, w)))

    class OperandsRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            yield adds(sdwgroup(*((s, d, w) for s in s)))

    class FlippingOperandsRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            yield adds(sdwgroup(*((s, not d, w) for s in s)))

    class NegatingOperandsRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            yield adds(sdwgroup(*((~s, d, w) for s in s)))

    class BranchingOperandsRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            yield adds(*(map(sdwgroup, ((s, d, w) for s in s))))

    class NegatingBranchingOperandsRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            yield adds(*(map(sdwgroup, ((~s, d, w) for s in s))))

    class ConjunctionReducingRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):

        conjoined: Operator

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            oper = self.conjoined
            lhs, rhs = s
            s = oper(lhs, rhs) & oper(rhs, lhs)
            if self.negated:
                s = ~s
            yield adds(sdwgroup((s, d, w)))

    class MaterialConditionalConjunctsReducingRule(ConjunctionReducingRule, intermediate=True):
        conjoined = Operator.MaterialConditional

    class ConditionalConjunctsReducingRule(ConjunctionReducingRule, intermediate=True):
        conjoined = Operator.Conditional

    class MaterialConditionalReducingRule(OperatorNodeRule, intermediate=True):
        "This rule reduces to a disjunction."

        def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /):
            sn = ~s.lhs | s.rhs
            if self.negated:
                sn = ~sn
            yield adds(sdwgroup((sn, d, w)))

[docs] class Rules(LogicType.Rules):
[docs] class DesignationClosure(rules.FindClosingNodeRule): """ A branch closes when a sentence appears on a node marked *designated*, and the same sentence appears on a node marked *undesignated*. """ def _find_closing_node(self, node: Node, branch: Branch, /): s = self.sentence(node) if s is not None: return branch.find(sdwnode(s, not node['designated'], node.get('world')))
[docs] def example_nodes(self): s = Atomic.first() w = 0 if self.modal else None yield from sdwgroup((s, True, w), (s, False, w))
[docs] class DoubleNegationDesignated(System.OperandsRule): pass
[docs] class DoubleNegationUndesignated(System.OperandsRule): pass
[docs] class AssertionDesignated(System.OperandsRule): pass
[docs] class AssertionUndesignated(System.OperandsRule): pass
[docs] class AssertionNegatedDesignated(System.NegatingOperandsRule): pass
[docs] class AssertionNegatedUndesignated(System.NegatingOperandsRule): pass
[docs] class ConjunctionDesignated(System.OperandsRule): pass
[docs] class ConjunctionUndesignated(System.BranchingOperandsRule): pass
[docs] class ConjunctionNegatedDesignated(System.NegatingBranchingOperandsRule): pass
[docs] class ConjunctionNegatedUndesignated(System.NegatingOperandsRule): pass
[docs] class DisjunctionDesignated(System.BranchingOperandsRule): pass
[docs] class DisjunctionNegatedDesignated(System.NegatingOperandsRule): pass
[docs] class DisjunctionUndesignated(System.OperandsRule): pass
[docs] class DisjunctionNegatedUndesignated(System.NegatingBranchingOperandsRule): pass
[docs] class MaterialConditionalDesignated(System.OperatorNodeRule): """ From an unticked designated material conditional node *n* on a branch *b*, make two new branches *b'* and *b''* from *b*, add a designated node with the negation of the antecedent to *b'*, add a designated node with the consequent to *b''*, then tick *n*. """ def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /): yield adds( sdwgroup((~s.lhs, d, w)), sdwgroup(( s.rhs, d, w)))
[docs] class MaterialConditionalNegatedDesignated(System.OperatorNodeRule): """ From an unticked designated negated material conditional node *n* on a branch *b*, add a designated node with the antecedent, and a designated node with the negation of the consequent to *b*, then tick *n*. """ def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /): yield adds(sdwgroup((s.lhs, d, w), (~s.rhs, d, w)))
[docs] class MaterialConditionalUndesignated(System.OperatorNodeRule): """ From an unticked undesignated material conditional node *n* on a branch *b*, add an undesignated node with the negation of the antecedent and an undesignated node with the consequent to *b*, then tick *n*. """ def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /): yield adds(sdwgroup((~s.lhs, d, w), (s.rhs, d, w)))
[docs] class MaterialConditionalNegatedUndesignated(System.OperatorNodeRule): """ From an unticked undesignated negated material conditional node *n* on a branch *b*, make two new branches *b'* and *b''* from *b*, add an undesignated node with the antecedent to *b'*, and add an undesignated node with the negation of the consequent to *b''*, then tick *n*. """ def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /): yield adds( sdwgroup(( s.lhs, d, w)), sdwgroup((~s.rhs, d, w)))
[docs] class MaterialBiconditionalDesignated(System.OperatorNodeRule): """ From an unticked designated material biconditional node *n* on a branch *b*, make two new branches *b'* and *b''* from *b*, add a designated node with the negation of the antecedent and a designated node with the negation of the consequent to *b'*, and add a designated node with the antecedent and a designated node with the consequent to *b''*, then tick *n*. """ def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /): yield adds( sdwgroup((~s.lhs, d, w), (~s.rhs, d, w)), sdwgroup(( s.rhs, d, w), ( s.lhs, d, w)))
[docs] class MaterialBiconditionalNegatedDesignated(System.OperatorNodeRule): """ From an unticked designated negated material biconditional node *n* on a branch *b*, make two branches *b'* and *b''* from *b*, add a designated node with the antecedent and a designated node with the negation of the consequent to *b'*, and add a designated node with the negation of the antecedent and a designated node with the consequent to *b''*, then tick *n*. """ def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /): yield adds( sdwgroup(( s.lhs, d, w), (~s.rhs, d, w)), sdwgroup((~s.lhs, d, w), ( s.rhs, d, w)))
[docs] class MaterialBiconditionalUndesignated(MaterialBiconditionalNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class MaterialBiconditionalNegatedUndesignated(MaterialBiconditionalDesignated): pass
[docs] class ConditionalDesignated(MaterialConditionalDesignated): pass
[docs] class ConditionalNegatedDesignated(MaterialConditionalNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class ConditionalUndesignated(MaterialConditionalUndesignated): pass
[docs] class ConditionalNegatedUndesignated(MaterialConditionalNegatedUndesignated): pass
[docs] class BiconditionalDesignated(MaterialBiconditionalDesignated): pass
[docs] class BiconditionalNegatedDesignated(MaterialBiconditionalNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class BiconditionalUndesignated(MaterialBiconditionalUndesignated): pass
[docs] class BiconditionalNegatedUndesignated(MaterialBiconditionalNegatedUndesignated): pass
[docs] class ExistentialDesignated(System.QuantifierSkinnyRule): """ From an unticked designated existential node *n* on a branch *b* quantifying over variable *v* into sentence *s*, add a designated node to *b* with the substitution into *s* of a new constant not yet appearing on *b* for *v*, then tick *n*. """ def _get_node_targets(self, node, branch, /): s = self.sentence(node) yield adds( sdwgroup((branch.new_constant() >> s, self.designation, node.get('world'))))
[docs] class ExistentialNegatedDesignated(System.QuantifierNodeRule): """ From an unticked designated negated existential node *n* on a branch *b*, quantifying over variable *v* into sentence *s*, add a designated node to *b* that universally quantifies over *v* into the negation of *s* (i.e. change :s:`~XxFx` to :s:`Lx~Fx`), then tick *n*. """ def _get_sdw_targets(self, s, d, w, /): v, si = s[1:] yield adds(sdwgroup((self.quantifier.other(v, ~si), d, w)))
[docs] class ExistentialUndesignated(System.QuantifierFatRule): """ From an undesignated existential node *n* on a branch *b*, for any constant *c* on *b* such that the result *r* of substituting *c* for the variable bound by the sentence of *n* does not appear on *b*, then add an undesignated node with *r* to *b*. If there are no constants yet on *b*, then instantiate with a new constant. The node *n* is never ticked. """ def _get_constant_nodes(self, node, c, branch, /): yield sdwnode(c >> self.sentence(node), self.designation, node.get('world'))
[docs] class ExistentialNegatedUndesignated(ExistentialNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class UniversalDesignated(ExistentialUndesignated): pass
[docs] class UniversalNegatedDesignated(ExistentialNegatedDesignated): pass
[docs] class UniversalUndesignated(ExistentialDesignated): pass
[docs] class UniversalNegatedUndesignated(ExistentialNegatedDesignated): pass
unquantifying_groups = ( group( ExistentialDesignated, ExistentialUndesignated), group( UniversalDesignated, UniversalUndesignated)) unquantifying_rules = tuple(chain(*unquantifying_groups)) closure = group(DesignationClosure) groups = ( group( # non-branching rules AssertionDesignated, AssertionUndesignated, AssertionNegatedDesignated, AssertionNegatedUndesignated, ConjunctionDesignated, ConjunctionNegatedUndesignated, DisjunctionNegatedDesignated, DisjunctionUndesignated, MaterialConditionalNegatedDesignated, MaterialConditionalUndesignated, ConditionalUndesignated, ConditionalNegatedDesignated, ExistentialNegatedDesignated, ExistentialNegatedUndesignated, UniversalNegatedDesignated, UniversalNegatedUndesignated, DoubleNegationDesignated, DoubleNegationUndesignated), group( # branching rules ConjunctionNegatedDesignated, ConjunctionUndesignated, DisjunctionDesignated, DisjunctionNegatedUndesignated, MaterialConditionalDesignated, MaterialConditionalNegatedUndesignated, MaterialBiconditionalDesignated, MaterialBiconditionalNegatedDesignated, MaterialBiconditionalUndesignated, MaterialBiconditionalNegatedUndesignated, ConditionalDesignated, ConditionalNegatedUndesignated, BiconditionalDesignated, BiconditionalNegatedDesignated, BiconditionalUndesignated, BiconditionalNegatedUndesignated), *unquantifying_groups) @classmethod def _check_groups(cls): for branching, group in zip(range(2), cls.groups): for rulecls in group: assert rulecls.branching == branching, f'{rulecls}'