Source code for pytableaux.lang.writing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from types import MappingProxyType as MapProxy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Mapping, Self

from ..errors import Emsg
from import EMPTY_MAP, MapCover
from . import (Atomic, Constant, CoordsItem, LangCommonMeta, Lexical, LexType,
               Marking, Notation, Operated, Operator, Predicate, Predicated,
               Quantified, Quantifier, Variable)

    from typing import overload

__all__ = (

class LexWriterMeta(LangCommonMeta):
    'LexWriter Metaclass.'

    DEFAULT_FORMAT: str = 'text'
    DEFAULT_NOTATION: Notation = Notation.polish

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kw):
        if cls is LexWriter:
            if args:
                notn = Notation(args[0])
                args = args[1:]
            elif 'notation' in kw:
                notn = Notation(kw.pop('notation'))
                notn = LexWriter.DEFAULT_NOTATION
            return notn.DefaultWriter(*args, **kw)
        return super().__call__(*args, **kw)

[docs] class LexWriter(metaclass=LexWriterMeta): 'LexWriter interface and coordinator.' notation: ClassVar[Notation] "The writer's notation." defaults: ClassVar[Mapping] = EMPTY_MAP "The default options." format: str "The writer's format." strings: StringTable "The string table." opts: dict "The writer's options." _methodmap = MapProxy({ Operator : '_write_plain', Quantifier : '_write_plain', Predicate : '_write_coordsitem', Constant : '_write_coordsitem', Variable : '_write_coordsitem', Atomic : '_write_coordsitem', Predicated : '_write_predicated', Quantified : '_write_quantified', Operated : '_write_operated'}) __slots__ = ('opts', 'strings') @property def format(self) -> str: return self.strings.format @property def dialect(self) -> str: return self.strings.dialect def __init__(self, format: str|None = None, dialect: str = None, strings: StringTable|None = None, **opts): if strings is None: if format is None: format = LexWriter.DEFAULT_FORMAT strings = StringTable.fetch( format=format, notation=self.notation, dialect=dialect) elif ( format is not None and format != strings.format or dialect is not None and dialect != strings.dialect): raise Emsg.WrongValue(format, strings.format) self.opts = dict(self.defaults, **opts) self.strings = strings if TYPE_CHECKING: @overload def __init__(self, notation:str|Notation|None=..., format:str|None=..., dialect:str|None=..., strings:StringTable|None=..., **opts): ...
[docs] def __call__(self, item: Lexical) -> str: """Write a lexical item. Args: item (Lexical): The item to write. Returns: str: The rendered string. """ return self._write(item)
[docs] def canwrite(self, obj: Any) -> bool: """Whether the object can be written. Args: obj (Any): The object to test. Returns: bool: Whether the object can be written. """ try: if obj in self.strings: return True except TypeError: pass try: return callable(self._methodmap[type(obj)]) except (AttributeError, KeyError): return False
def _write(self, item) -> str: 'Wrapped internal write method.' try: return self.strings[item] except KeyError: pass try: method = self._methodmap[type(item)] except AttributeError: raise TypeError(type(item)) except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError(type(item)) return getattr(self, method)(item) @abstractmethod def _write_operated(self, item: Operated) -> str: ... def _write_plain(self, item: Lexical) -> str: return self.strings[item] def _write_coordsitem(self, item: CoordsItem) -> str: return ''.join(( self.strings[type(item), item.index], self._write_subscript(item.subscript))) def _write_quantified(self, item: Quantified) -> str: return ''.join(map(self._write, item.items)) def _write_predicated(self, item: Predicated) -> str: return ''.join(map(self._write, (item.predicate, *item))) def _write_subscript(self, s: int) -> str: if s == 0: return '' return ''.join(( self.strings[Marking.subscript_open], str(s), self.strings[Marking.subscript_close])) def _test(self): 'Smoke test. Returns a rendered list of each lex type.' return list(map(self, (t.cls.first() for t in LexType))) @classmethod def register(cls, subcls: type[LexWriter]): 'Update available writers.' subcls.notation.writers.add(subcls) if subcls.notation.DefaultWriter is None: subcls.notation.DefaultWriter = subcls return subcls
[docs] @LexWriter.register class PolishLexWriter(LexWriter): "Polish notation lexical writer implementation." notation = Notation.polish def _write_operated(self, item: Operated) -> str: return ''.join(map(self._write, (item.operator, *item)))
[docs] @LexWriter.register class StandardLexWriter(LexWriter): """Standard notation lexical writer implementation. Options: drop_parens: Drop outer parens, default ``True``. identity_infix: Write identity sentences in infix notation (e.g. a = b), default ``True``. max_infix: The max arity for writing predicate sentences in infix notation, default 0. """ notation = Notation.standard defaults = MapProxy(dict( drop_parens=True, identity_infix=True, max_infix=0)) def __call__(self, item): if self.opts['drop_parens'] and type(item) is Operated: return self._write_operated(item, drop_parens=True) return super().__call__(item) def _write_predicated(self, s: Predicated) -> str: pred = s.predicate arity = pred.arity opts = self.opts should_infix = ( arity > 1 and ( arity < opts['max_infix'] or pred is Predicate.Identity and opts['identity_infix'])) if not should_infix: return super()._write_predicated(s) if pred is Predicate.Identity: ws = self.strings[Marking.whitespace] else: ws = '' return ws.join(( self._write(s[0]), self._write(pred), ''.join(map(self._write, s[1:])))) def _write_operated(self, s: Operated,/, *, drop_parens = False) -> str: oper = s.operator arity = oper.arity strings = self.strings ws = strings[Marking.whitespace] if arity == 1: s = s.lhs is_neg_identity = ( oper is Operator.Negation and type(s) is Predicated and s.predicate is Predicate.Identity) if is_neg_identity and self.opts['identity_infix']: symbol = strings[Operator.Negation, Predicate.Identity] return ws.join(( self._write(s[0]), symbol, self._write(s[1]))) return self._write(oper) + self._write(s) if arity != 2: raise NotImplementedError from ValueError(oper) lhs, rhs = s if drop_parens: paren_open = '' paren_close = '' else: paren_open = strings[Marking.paren_open] paren_close = strings[Marking.paren_close] return ''.join(( paren_open, ws.join(map(self._write, (lhs, oper, rhs))), paren_close)) def _test(self) -> list[str]: s1 = ~Predicate.Identity(Constant.gen(2)) s2 = Operator.Conjunction(Atomic.gen(2)) s3 = s2 | Atomic.first() return super()._test() + list(map(self, [s1, s2, s3]))
[docs] class StringTable(MapCover[Any, str], metaclass=LangCommonMeta): 'Lexical writer strings table data class.' _instances: dict[Any, Self] = {}
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, data: Mapping, /) -> Self: """Create and store instance from data. Args: data: The data mapping Raises: Emsg.DuplicateKey: on duplicate key Returns: The instance """ format = data['format'] key = format, Notation[data['notation']], data.get('dialect', format) if key in cls._instances: raise Emsg.DuplicateKey(key) self = cls._instances.setdefault(key, cls(data)) self.notation.formats[self.format].add(self.dialect) return self
[docs] @classmethod def fetch(cls, format: str, notation: Notation, dialect: str = None) -> Self: """Get a loaded instance. Args: format: The format. notation: The notation dialect: The dialect if any. Returns: The instance """ return cls._instances[format, Notation[notation], dialect or format]
format: str "The format (html, latex, text, rst, etc.)" dialect: str "The specific dialect, if any. Defaults to the name of the format." notation: Notation "The notation" __slots__ = ( 'format', 'notation', 'dialect', 'hash') def __init__(self, data: Mapping, /): self.format = data['format'] self.notation = Notation[data['notation']] self.dialect = data.get('dialect', self.format) strings = dict(data['strings']) for key, defaultkey in self._keydefaults.items(): strings.setdefault(key, strings[defaultkey]) super().__init__(strings) self.hash = self._compute_hash() _keydefaults = { (Predicate, Predicate.Identity.index): Predicate.Identity, (Predicate, Predicate.Existence.index): Predicate.Existence, Marking.whitespace: (Marking.whitespace, 0), Marking.subscript_open: (Marking.subscript_open, 0), Marking.subscript_close: (Marking.subscript_close, 0), Marking.paren_open: (Marking.paren_open, 0), Marking.paren_close: (Marking.paren_close, 0), (Marking.tableau, 'closure', True): (Marking.tableau, 'flag', 'closure')} def __hash__(self): return self.hash def __eq__(self, other): return self is other or ( isinstance(other, __class__) and hash(self) == hash(other) and self.format == other.format and self.notation == other.notation and self.dialect == other.dialect and self._cov_mapping == other._cov_mapping) def _compute_hash(self) -> int: return hash(( sum(map(hash, self)), hash(tuple(sorted(self.values(), key=str)))))