# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import annotations
Lexical classes.
import operator as opr
from abc import abstractmethod
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, repeat, starmap, zip_longest
from types import FunctionType
from types import MappingProxyType as MapProxy
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Iterator, Mapping, Self,
Sequence, Set, SupportsIndex)
from .. import errors
from ..errors import Emsg, check
from ..tools import (EMPTY_SEQ, EMPTY_SET, abcs, closure, inflect, lazy, membr,
qsetf, wraps)
from . import (BiCoords, LangCommonEnum, LangCommonMeta, LexicalAbcMeta,
TriCoords, nosetattr)
__all__ = (
NOARG = object()
_Ranks: Mapping[str, int] = MapProxy(dict(
Predicate = 10,
Constant = 20,
Variable = 30,
Quantifier = 40,
Operator = 50,
Atomic = 60,
Predicated = 70,
Quantified = 80,
Operated = 90))
# Bases Classes
class Lexical:
"""Base Lexical class. This is the base class from which all concrete lexical
classes inherit, including enum classes. It provides basic features of
identitfying, comparing, and generating items.
The :attr:`ident` and :attr:`spec` attributes provide canonical ways
of specifying items with tuples of numbers, strings, and other
tuples. This is useful for serialization and deserialization.
The :meth:`first()`, :meth:`next()`, and :meth:`gen()` methods enable
programatic creation of items.
The :attr:`hash` and :attr:`sort_tuple` attributes allow for rich
comparison and ordering of items, with consistency for comparing
across different types.
The :attr:`TYPE` refers to the corresponding member of the special
:class:`LexType` enum class member, which holds meta information about
each type.
__slots__ = EMPTY_SET
__init__ = NotImplemented
TYPE: ClassVar[LexType]
":class:`LexType` enum instance for concrete classes."
spec: tuple
"""The arguments roughly needed to construct, given that we know the
type, i.e. in intuitive order. A tuple, possibly nested, containing
numbers or strings.
ident: tuple[str, tuple]
"""Equality identifier able to compare across types. Equivalent to
``(classname, spec)``.
sort_tuple: tuple[int, ...]
"""Sorting identifier, to order tokens of the same type, consisting of
non-negative integers. This is also used in hashing, so equal objects
must have equal `sort_tuple` values.
# **NB**: The first value of the sort_tuple must be the lexical rank of the
# type as specified in the :class:`LexType` enum class.
hash: int
"The integer hash. Same as ``hash(obj)``."
def first(cls) -> Self:
"""Get the canonically first item of the type. This can be called on
both concrete and abstract classes. For example:
>>> Atomic.first()
<Sentence: A>
>>> Constant.first()
<Parameter: a>
>>> Constant.first() == Parameter.first()
>>> Operated.first()
<Sentence: ⚬A>
>>> Lexical.first()
<Predicate: F>
>>> LexicalEnum.first()
<Quantifier: Existential>
if cls is __class__:
return Predicate.first()
raise TypeError(f'Abstract type {cls}')
def next(self, **kw) -> Self:
"""Get the canonically next item of the type. Various subclasses may
provide optional keyword arguments.
raise NotImplementedError
def gen(cls, stop: int|None, /, first: Self|None = None, **nextkw) -> Iterator[Self]:
"""Generate items of the type, using :meth:`first()` and :meth:`next()` methods.
This is convenient for making sequential lexical items quickly, without
going through parsing.
>>> Predicate(1,0,4)(Constant.gen(4))
<Sentence: Gabcd>
stop: The number at which to stop generating. If ``None``,
never stop.
first: The first item. If ``None``, starts with :meth:`first()`.
Keyword Args:
**nextkw: Parameters to pass to each call to :meth:`next()`.
The generator instance.
if stop is not None:
stop = int(stop)
if stop < 1:
inc = 1
stop = 1
inc = 0
if first is None:
item = cls.first()
item = check.inst(first, cls)
i = 0
while i < stop:
yield item
item = item.next(**nextkw)
i += inc
except StopIteration:
def identitem(item: Lexical, /) -> tuple[str, tuple]:
"""Build an :attr:`ident` tuple for the item from the class name and :attr:`spec`.
This method should generally not need to be called, as it is used to
generate and cache the instance :attr:`ident` property.
return (type(item).__name__, item.spec)
def hashitem(item: Lexical, /) -> int:
"""Compute a hash for the item based on :attr:`sort_tuple`.
This method should generally not need to be called, as it is used to
generate and cache the instance :attr:`hash` property.
return hash((__class__, item.sort_tuple))
def orderitems(lhs: Lexical, rhs: Lexical, /) -> int:
"""orderitems(lhs: Lexical, rhs: Lexical, /) -> int
Pairwise ordering comparison based on type rank and :attr:`sort_tuple`.
This is the base method used to support equality and rich comparison
operators between any Lexical instance, regardless of subclass.
lhs: The left-hand item.
rhs: The right-hand item.
int: The relative order of ``lhs`` and ``rhs``. The return value
will be either:
* Less than ``0`` if ``lhs`` precedes ``rhs`` in order.
* Greater than ``0`` if ``rhs`` precedes ``lhs`` in order.
* Equal to ``0`` if `lhs` is equal to ``rhs`` in order.
TypeError: if an argument is not an instance of :class:`Lexical` with
a valid :attr:`sort_tuple` attribute.
if lhs is rhs:
return 0
it = zip_longest(lhs.sort_tuple, rhs.sort_tuple, fillvalue=0)
except AttributeError:
check.inst(lhs, __class__)
check.inst(rhs, __class__)
raise # pragma: no cover
for cmp in filter(None, starmap(opr.sub, it)):
return cmp
return 0
def wrapper(member: membr):
@wraps(oper := getattr(opr, member.name))
def wrapped(self, other, /):
return oper(Lexical.orderitems(self, other), 0)
except TypeError:
if isinstance(other, Lexical): # pragma: no cover
return NotImplemented
return wrapped
__lt__ = __le__ = __gt__ = __ge__ = __eq__ = wrapper()
def __hash__(self):
return self.hash
__delattr__ = Emsg.ReadOnly.razr
__setattr__ = nosetattr(object, cls=LexicalAbcMeta)
def __copy__(self):
return self
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
memo[id(self)] = self
return self
def __bool__(self):
'Always returns ``True``.'
return True
def for_json(self):
"JSON Compatibility. Returns :attr:`ident` tuple."
return self.ident
def __init_subclass__(cls, /, *, lexcopy=False, **kw):
"""Subclass init hook.
If `lexcopy` is ``True``, copy the class members to the next class,
since our protection is limited without metaclass flexibility. Only
applies to direct sub classes.
if not lexcopy or __class__ not in cls.__bases__:
src = dict(__class__.__dict__)
del src['__init_subclass__']
for _ in map(src.__delitem__, filter(src.__contains__, cls.__dict__)): pass
cpnames = ('__copy__', '__deepcopy__')
if not all(map(src.__contains__, cpnames)):
for _ in map(src.__delitem__, cpnames): pass
ftypes = (classmethod, staticmethod, FunctionType)
for name, value in src.items():
if isinstance(value, ftypes):
setattr(cls, name, value)
class LexicalAbc(Lexical, metaclass=LexicalAbcMeta, lexcopy=True):
'Base class for non-Enum lexical classes.'
__slots__ = ('_ident', '_hash',)
def ident(self):
return self.identitem(self)
def hash(self):
return self.hashitem(self)
def first(cls) -> Self:
if cls is __class__:
return Lexical.first()
raise TypeError(f'Abstract type {cls}')
def __init__(self): ...
__delattr__ = Emsg.ReadOnly.razr
def __setattr__(self, name, value, /):
v = getattr(self, name, NOARG)
if v is not NOARG:
if getattr(LexicalAbc, '_readonly', False):
if v == value:
f'duplicate value for attribute {name}',
raise Emsg.ReadOnly(self, name)
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def __getnewargs__(self):
return self.spec
class LexicalEnum(Lexical, LangCommonEnum, lexcopy=True):
"""Base class for Enum lexical classes. Subclassed by :class:`Quantifier`
and :class:`Operator`.
__slots__ = (
order: int
"A number to signify relative member order (need not be sequence index)."
label: str
"Label with spaces allowed."
index: int
"The member index in the members sequence."
strings: frozenset[str]
"Name, label, or other strings unique to a member."
def __eq__(self, other):
'Allow equality with the string name.'
if self is other:
return True
if type(self) is type(other):
# Non-identical members are assumed non-equal.
return False
if other in self.strings:
return True
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if isinstance(other, str):
return False
return NotImplemented
__hash__ = Lexical.__hash__
def first(cls) -> Self:
if cls is __class__:
return Quantifier._seq[0]
return cls._seq[0]
def next(self, /, *, loop: bool = False) -> Self:
Keyword Args:
loop (bool): If ``True``, returns the first member after the last.
Default is ``False``.
StopIteration: If called on the last member and ``loop`` is ``False``.
seq = type(self)._seq
return seq[self.index + 1]
except IndexError:
if loop:
return seq[0]
raise StopIteration
def __init__(self, order: int, /):
self.spec = self.name,
self.order = order
self.sort_tuple = _Ranks[type(self).__name__], order
self.label = inflect.snakespace(self.name)
self.strings = frozenset((self.name, self.label))
self.ident = self.identitem(self)
self.hash = self.hashitem(self)
def _member_keys(cls, member: LexicalEnum):
"""``EbcMeta`` hook.
Add any values in ``.strings`` as keys for the member index.
return super()._member_keys(member) | member.strings
def _on_init(cls, subcls: type[LexicalEnum]):
"""``EbcMeta`` hook.
Store the sequence index of each member to ``.index``.
for i, member in enumerate(subcls):
member.index = i
class CoordsItem(LexicalAbc):
"""Common implementation for lexical types that are based on integer
coordinates. For :class:`Constant`, :class:`Variable`, and :class:`Atomic`,
the coordinates are `(index, subscript)`. For :class:`Predicate`, the
coordinates are `(index, subscript, arity)`.
__slots__ = (
# 'coords',
Coords = BiCoords
index: int
"The `index` coordinate."
subscript: int
"The `subscript` coordinate."
spec: BiCoords|TriCoords
def first(cls) -> Self:
if cls is __class__:
cls = Predicate
return cls(cls.Coords.first)
def next(self) -> Self:
cls = type(self)
idx, sub = self.spec[0:2]
if idx < cls.TYPE.maxi:
idx += 1
idx = 0
sub += 1
return cls(self.spec._replace(index = idx, subscript = sub))
def __new__(cls, *spec):
self = object.__new__(cls)
sa = object.__setattr__
sa(self, 'spec', spec := self.Coords._make(
spec[0] if len(spec) == 1 else spec))
for field, value in zip(spec._fields, spec):
sa(self, field, value.__index__())
check.inst(value, int)
raise # pragma: no cover
if spec.index > self.TYPE.maxi:
raise ValueError(f'{spec.index} > {self.TYPE.maxi}')
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(f'Abstract type {cls}') from None
if spec.subscript < 0:
raise ValueError(f'subscript {spec.subscript} < 0')
sa(self, 'sort_tuple', (self.TYPE.rank, *spec.sorting()))
return self
class Parameter(CoordsItem):
"""Parameter base class for :class:`Constant` & :class:`Variable`."""
spec: BiCoords
def first(cls):
if cls is __class__:
return Constant.first()
return super().first()
# Lexical Enum Classes
class Quantifier(LexicalEnum):
"""Quantifier enum class.
* Calling a quantifier constructs a :class:`Quantified` sentence
>>> x = Variable(0, 0)
>>> s1 = Predicated.first()
>>> s2 = Quantifier.Existential(x, s1)
>>> s2 == Quantified(Quantifier.Existential, x, s1)
Existential = 0
"The :s:`X` Existential quantifier"
Universal = 1
"The :s:`L` Universal quantifier"
other: Quantifier
def __call__(self, *spec):
'Quantify a variable over a sentence.'
return Quantified(self, *spec)
def _after_init(cls):
"""``EbcMeta`` hook. Build :attr:`classes` list, and System Predicates."""
it = iter(cls)
for a in it:
b = next(it)
a.other = b
b.other = a
class Operator(LexicalEnum):
"""Operator enum class.
* Calling an operator constructs an :class:`Operated` sentence
>>> s1 = Atomic(0, 0)
>>> s2 = Operator.Conditional(s1, s1)
>>> s2 == Operated(Operator.Conditional, (s1, s1))
* Some operators map to Python operators, such as & or ~.
>>> s = Atomic(0, 0)
>>> Operator.Conjunction(s, s) == s & s
>>> s.negate() == ~s
See the :class:`Sentence` class for more.
.. csv-table::
:generator: member-table
:generator-args: name arity
__slots__ = ('arity',)
arity: int
"The operator arity."
other: Operator
Assertion = (10, 1)
'The Assertion operator'
Negation = (20, 1)
'The Negation (not) operator'
Conjunction = (30, 2)
'The Conjunction (and) operator'
Disjunction = (40, 2)
'The Disjunction (or) operator'
MaterialConditional = (50, 2)
'The Material Conditional operator'
MaterialBiconditional = (60, 2)
'The Material Biconditional operator'
Conditional = (70, 2)
'The Conditional operator'
Biconditional = (80, 2)
'The Biconditional operator'
Possibility = (90, 1)
'The Possibility operator'
Necessity = (100, 1)
'The Necessity operator'
def __call__(self, *args):
'Apply the operator to make a new sentence.'
return Operated(self, *args)
def __init__(self, order, arity, /):
self.arity = arity
def _after_init(cls):
"""``EbcMeta`` hook. Set :attr:`other` attribute."""
it = iter(cls)
for a in it:
b = next(it)
a.other = b
b.other = a
# Abstract Sentence class.
class Sentence(LexicalAbc):
"""Sentence base class. This provides common attributes and methods for the
concrete sentence classes :class:`Atomic`, :class:`Predicated`, :class:`Quantified`,
and :class:`Operated`.
* Sentences support the built-in operators ``~``, ``|``, and ``&``, for
negation, disjunction, and conjunction, respectively.
>>> a, b = Sentence.gen(2)
>>> ~a == a.negate()
>>> a | b == a.disjoin(b)
>>> a & b == a.conjoin(b)
* :class:`Atomic`
* :class:`Predicated`
* :class:`Quantified`
* :class:`Operated`
predicates: frozenset[Predicate]
"Set of predicates, recursive."
constants: frozenset[Constant]
"Set of constants, recursive."
variables: frozenset[Variable]
"Set of variables, recursive."
atomics: frozenset[Atomic]
"Set of atomic sentences, recursive."
quantifiers: tuple[Quantifier, ...]
"Sequence of quantifiers, recursive."
operators: tuple[Operator, ...]
"Sequence of operators, recursive."
def negate(self):
"""Negate this sentence, returning the new sentence. This can also be
invoked using the ``~`` operator.
The new sentence.
return Operator.Negation(self)
def asserted(self):
"""Apply the :obj:`Assertion` operator. This can also be invoked using
the ``+`` operator.
The new sentence.
return Operator.Assertion(self)
def disjoin(self, rhs: Sentence, /):
"""Apply the :obj:`Disjunction` operator to the right-hand sentence.
This can also be invoked using the ``|`` operator.
rhs: The right-hand disjunct.
The new sentence.
return Operator.Disjunction(self, rhs)
def conjoin(self, rhs: Sentence, /):
"""Apply the :obj:`Conjunction` operator to the right-hand sentence.
This can also be invoked using the ``&`` operator.
rhs: The right-hand conjunct.
The new sentence.
return Operator.Conjunction(self, rhs)
def negative(self) -> Sentence:
"""Either negate this sentence, or, if this is already a negated
sentence return its negatum, i.e., "un-negate" the sentence. This can
also be invoked using the ``-`` operator.
>>> a = Atomic.first()
>>> a.negate() == a.negative()
>>> a.negate().negative() == a
The new sentence.
if type(self) is Operated and self.operator is Operator.Negation:
return self.lhs
return Operator.Negation(self)
def substitute(self, pnew: Parameter, pold: Parameter, /) -> Self:
"""Return the recursive substitution of ``pnew`` for all occurrences
of ``pold``.
pnew: The new parameter.
pold: The old parameter.
The new sentence.
return self
def first(cls):
if cls is __class__:
return Atomic.first()
raise TypeError(f'Abstract type {cls}')
def __pos__(self):
return Operator.Assertion(self)
def __invert__(self):
return Operator.Negation(self)
def __and__(self, other):
return Operator.Conjunction(self, other)
def __or__(self, other):
return Operator.Disjunction(self, other)
def __neg__(self):
return self.negative()
# Concrete Classes
class Predicate(CoordsItem):
A predicate is specified by an integer 3-tuple of ``(index, subscript, arity)``.
The index can range from 0-3, and the subscript and arity can be any
positive integer.
To create a predicate, the spec can be passed either as separate arguments,
or as a single :obj:`tuple`:
>>> p = Predicate(0, 0, 1)
>>> p == Predicate((0, 0, 1))
System Predicates
There are two built-in system predicates, :obj:`Identity` and :obj:`Existence`.
These are specified internal by the special indexes -1 and -2, respectively.
They are defined in an enum class :obj:`Predicate.System`, and can be accessed
in several ways:
>>> p = Predicate('Identity')
>>> p is Predicate.Identity
>>> p is Predicate.System.Identity
System predicates are considered equal to their name.
>>> Predicate.Identity == 'Identity'
* Calling a predicate will construct a :class:`Predicated` sentence:
>>> p = Predicate(0, 0, 2)
>>> a, b = Constant.gen(2)
>>> p((a, b)) == Predicated(p, (a, b))
def __init__(self, *spec):
ValueError: if an invalid coordinate value is passed, e.g.
a negative number, or too large an `index` coordinate.
TypeError: for the wrong number of arguments, or wrong type.
if len(spec) == 1:
spec = spec[0]
if self.arity <= 0:
raise ValueError('`arity` must be > 0')
self.bicoords = BiCoords(self.index, self.subscript)
if self.index < 0:
if self.System:
raise ValueError('`index` must be >= 0')
if len(spec) != 4: # pragma: no cover
raise TypeError(f'need 4 elements, got {len(spec)}')
self.name = spec[3]
self._value_ = self
if len(spec) != 3:
raise TypeError(f'need 3 elements, got {len(spec)}')
self.name = self.spec
def __new__(cls, *spec):
if len(spec) == 1:
len(spec := spec[0])
check.inst(spec, tuple)
raise # pragma: no cover
if spec:
self = CoordsItem.__new__(cls, *spec[0:3])
self = object.__new__(cls)
return self
def is_system(self) -> bool:
"Whether this is a system predicate."
return self.index < 0
__slots__ = (
Coords = TriCoords
spec: TriCoords
bicoords: BiCoords
"The symbol coordinates `(index, subscript)`."
arity: int
"The predicate's arity."
name: tuple[int, ...] | str
"""The name, for system predicates. For non-system predicates, this is the
same as the :attr:`spec`.
>>> Predicate.Identity.name
>>> Predicate(0, 0, 1).name # For compatibility only
(0, 0, 1)
def refs(self) -> Set[tuple|str]:
"""References used to create indexes for predicate stores.
================ ============================= ==========================================
Attribute Example Description
================ ============================= ==========================================
:attr:`bicoords` ``(1, 0)`` symbol coordinates (`index`, `subscript`)
:attr:`spec` ``(1, 0, 2)`` coordinates including `arity`
:attr:`ident` ``('Predicate', (1, 0, 2))`` full lexical identifier
:attr:`name` `"Identity"` (system predicates only)
================ ============================= ==========================================
return qsetf({self.spec, self.ident, self.bicoords, self.name})
def __call__(self, *spec):
'Apply the predicate to parameters to make a predicated sentence.'
return Predicated(self, *spec)
def next(self):
if self.is_system:
raise StopIteration
return super().next()
def __eq__(self, other):
res = super().__eq__(other)
if res is NotImplemented and self.is_system and isinstance(other, str):
return self.name == other
return res
__hash__ = Lexical.__hash__
class _SPT(type):
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Predicate]: ...
def __call__(self, _) -> Predicate: ...
class System(LangCommonEnum, metaclass=_SPT):
'System predicates enum.'
Existence: Predicate
"The Existence predicate :sc:`!`"
Identity: Predicate
"The Identity predicate :sc:`=`"
def first(cls) -> Predicate: ...
Existence: Predicate
Identity: Predicate
System = MapProxy(dict(Existence=(-2, 0, 1), Identity=(-1, 0, 2)))
class Constant(Parameter):
A constant is specified by an integer 2-tuple of ``(index, subscript)``.
The index can range from 0-3, and the subscript can be any positive integer.
To create a constant, the spec can be passed either as separate arguments,
or as a single :obj:`tuple`:
>>> c = Constant(2, 9)
>>> c == Constant((2, 9))
* A constant can be right-shifted ``>>`` into a :class:`Quantified` sentence
as a convenience for the sentence's :attr:`unquantify()` method:
>>> c = Constant(0, 0)
>>> s1 = Quantified.first()
>>> s2 = c >> s1
>>> s2.constants == {c}
def __init__(self, *spec):
def __rshift__(self, other):
'Same as ``other.unquantify(self)``.'
if type(other) is Quantified:
return other.unquantify(self)
return NotImplemented
class Variable(Parameter):
A variable, just like a :class:`Constant`, is specified by an integer 2-tuple
of ``(index, subscript)``. The index can range from 0-3, and the subscript
can be any positive integer.
>>> Variable(2, 10) == Variable((2, 10))
def __init__(self, *spec):
class Atomic(CoordsItem, Sentence):
An atomic sentence sentence, like a :class:`Parameter`, is specified by an
integer 2-tuple of ``(index, subscript)``. The index can range from 0-4, and the
subscript can be any positive integer.
>>> Atomic(4, 0) == Atomic((4, 0))
predicates = EMPTY_SET
constants = EMPTY_SET
variables = EMPTY_SET
quantifiers = EMPTY_SEQ
operators = EMPTY_SEQ
__slots__ = 'atomics'
def __init__(self, *spec):
self.atomics = frozenset((self,))
class Predicated(Sentence, Sequence[Parameter]):
'Predicated sentence implementation.'
operators = EMPTY_SEQ
quantifiers = EMPTY_SEQ
atomics = EMPTY_SET
def __init__(self, pred, *params):
pred (Predicate): The :class:`Predicate`, or :attr:`spec`, such as
``(1, 0, 2)``.
params (Parameter): An iterable of :class:`Parameter`
TypeError: if the number of params does not equal the predicate's arity.
if len(params) == 1:
params, = params
pred = Predicate(pred)
if isinstance(params, Parameter):
params = params,
params = tuple(map(Parameter, params))
if len(params) != pred.arity:
raise TypeError(self, len(params), pred.arity)
self.predicate = pred
self.params = params
self.predicates = frozenset((pred,))
self.spec = (
tuple(p.ident for p in params))
self.sort_tuple = (
*(n for p in params for n in p.sort_tuple))
__slots__ = (
predicate: Predicate
"The predicate."
params: tuple[Parameter, ...]
"The parameters."
def constants(self):
return frozenset(p for p in self if type(p) is Constant)
def variables(self):
return frozenset(p for p in self if type(p) is Variable)
def substitute(self, pnew: Parameter, pold: Parameter, /):
if pnew == pold:
return self
return self.predicate(pnew if p == pold else p for p in self)
def first(cls, pred=None, /):
pred (Predicate): The :class:`Predicate` or :attr:`spec`.
Default is the :func:`Predicate.first`.
if pred is None:
pred = Predicate.first()
pred = Predicate(pred)
return pred(repeat(Constant.first(), pred.arity))
def next(self):
return self.predicate.next()(self.params)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.params)
def __contains__(self, p):
return p in self.params
def __getitem__(self, index: SupportsIndex|slice):
return self.params[index]
class Quantified(Sentence, Sequence):
'Quantified sentence implementation.'
def __init__(self, q, v, s, /):
q (Quantifier): The :class:`Quantifier` or name, such as ``"Existential"``.
v (Variable): The :class:`Variable` to bind, or coords, such as ``(0, 0)``.
s (Sentence): The inner :class:`Sentence`.
self.items = (
q := Quantifier(q), v := Variable(v), s := Sentence(s))
self.quantifier, self.variable, self.sentence = self.items
self.spec = (*q.spec, v.spec, s.ident)
self.sort_tuple = (
__slots__ = (
quantifier: Quantifier
"The quantifier."
variable: Variable
"The bound variable."
sentence: Sentence
"The inner sentence."
items: tuple[Quantifier, Variable, Sentence]
"The items sequence: :class:`Quantifer`, :class:`Variable`, :class:`Sentence`."
def constants(self):
return self.sentence.constants
def variables(self):
return self.sentence.variables
def atomics(self):
return self.sentence.atomics
def predicates(self):
return self.sentence.predicates
def operators(self):
return self.sentence.operators
def quantifiers(self):
return tuple(chain((self.quantifier,), self.sentence.quantifiers))
def unquantify(self, c: Constant, /):
"""Instantiate the variable with a constant.
c (Constant): The constant to substitute for the bound variable.
Sentence: The unquantified sentence.
return self.sentence.substitute(Constant(c), self.variable)
def substitute(self, pnew, pold, /):
if pnew == pold:
return self
return self.quantifier(self.variable, self.sentence.substitute(pnew, pold))
def first(cls, q = Quantifier.first(), /):
q (Quantifier): The quantifier, default is the first quantifier.
return cls(q, v := Variable.first(), Predicate.first()(v))
def next(self, **sentkw):
Keyword Args:
**sentkw: kwargs for :func:`Sentence.next()` to create the inner sentence.
TypeError: if :func:`Sentence.next()` returns a sentence for which the
variable is no longer bound.
s = self.sentence.next(**sentkw)
v = self.variable
if v not in s.variables:
raise TypeError(f'{v} no longer bound')
return self.quantifier(v, s)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.items)
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.items
def count(self, item,/):
return int(item in self.items)
def __getitem__(self, index: SupportsIndex|slice):
return self.items[index]
class Operated(Sentence, Sequence[Sentence]):
'Operated sentence implementation.'
def __init__(self, oper: Operator, *operands):
oper: The operator.
operands: The operands.
if len(operands) == 1:
operands, = operands
self.operator = oper = Operator(oper)
if isinstance(operands, Sentence):
self.operands = operands = operands,
self.operands = operands = tuple(map(Sentence, operands))
self.lhs = operands[0]
self.rhs = operands[-1]
except IndexError:
raise Emsg.ArityMismatch(oper, oper.arity, operands)
if len(operands) != oper.arity:
raise Emsg.ArityMismatch(oper, oper.arity, operands)
self.spec = (*oper.spec, tuple(s.ident for s in operands))
self.sort_tuple = (
*(n for s in operands for n in s.sort_tuple))
__slots__ = (
operator: Operator
"The operator."
operands: tuple[Sentence, ...]
"The operands."
lhs: Sentence
"The first (left-most) operand."
rhs: Sentence
"The last (right-most) operand."
def predicates(self):
return frozenset(chain.from_iterable(s.predicates for s in self))
def constants(self):
return frozenset(chain.from_iterable(s.constants for s in self))
def variables(self):
return frozenset(chain.from_iterable(s.variables for s in self))
def quantifiers(self):
return *chain.from_iterable(s.quantifiers for s in self),
def operators(self):
return tuple(
(self.operator, *chain.from_iterable(
s.operators for s in self)))
def atomics(self):
return frozenset(chain.from_iterable(s.atomics for s in self))
def substitute(self, pnew, pold, /):
if pnew == pold:
return self
return self.operator(s.substitute(pnew, pold) for s in self)
def first(cls, oper=Operator.first(), /):
oper = Operator(oper)
return oper(Atomic.gen(oper.arity))
def next(self, **kw):
return self.operator(*self[0:-1], self[-1].next(**kw))
def __len__(self):
return self.operator.arity
def __contains__(self, s: Any):
return s in self.operands
def __getitem__(self, index: SupportsIndex|slice):
return self.operands[index]
# LexType
class LexType(LangCommonEnum):
LexType metadata enum class for concrete types.
.. csv-table::
:generator: member-table
:generator-args: name rank cls role maxi pcls
__slots__ = (
rank: int
"A number to order items of different types."
cls: type[Lexical]
"The class reference."
role: type[Lexical]
"The category class, such as :class:`Sentence` for :class:`Atomic`."
maxi: int | None
"For coordinate classes, the maximum index, else ``None``."
pcls: type[Lexical] | None
"""The "partner" class, if any. For example, :class:`Operated` and
:class:`Operator` are partners.
hash: int
"The member hash."
classes: ClassVar[qsetf[type[Lexical]]]
"""Ordered set of all the classes.
:meta hide-value:
#****** Members
Predicate = Predicate
Constant = Constant
Variable = Variable
Quantifier = Quantifier
Operator = Operator
Atomic = Atomic
Predicated = Predicated
Quantified = Quantified
Operated = Operated
#****** Call Behavior
def __call__(self, *args, **kw) -> Lexical:
return self.cls(*args, **kw)
#****** Equality, Ordering, & Comparison
def wrapper(member: membr):
@wraps(oper := getattr(opr, member.name))
def wrapped(self: LexType, other):
if type(other) is not LexType:
return NotImplemented
return oper(self.rank, other.rank)
return wrapped
__lt__ = __le__ = __gt__ = __ge__ = wrapper()
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
self is other or
self.cls is other or
self is LexType.get(other, None))
def __repr__(self):
name = type(self).__name__
return f'<{name}.{self.cls.__name__}>'
except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover
return f'<{name} ?ERR?>'
def __hash__(self):
return self.hash
def __init__():
partners = dict((
(Predicate, Predicated),
(Quantifier, Quantified),
(Operator, Operated)))
partners.update(map(reversed, tuple(partners.items())))
def init(self: LexType, cls: type[Lexical], /):
self.cls = cls
self.cls.TYPE = self
self.rank = _Ranks[cls.__name__]
self.hash = hash(type(self)) + self.rank
self.pcls = partners.get(cls)
self.maxi = 3 * issubclass(cls, CoordsItem) + (cls is Atomic) or None
for role in filter(partial(issubclass, cls), (Parameter, Sentence, cls)):
self.role = role
return init
def _member_keys(cls, member: LexType):
"""``EbcMeta`` hook. Add the class object to the member lookup keys."""
return super()._member_keys(member) | {member.cls}
def _after_init(cls):
"""``EbcMeta`` hook. Build :attr:`classes` list, and System Predicates."""
cls.classes = qsetf(m.cls for m in cls)
members = {
name: (*value, name)
for name, value in dict(Predicate.System).items()}
Predicate.System = None
class SystemPredicate(LangCommonEnum):
def __new__(cls, *spec):
return Predicate.__new__(Predicate, *spec)
def first(cls):
return cls._seq[0]
def _member_keys(cls, pred: Predicate):
return super()._member_keys(pred) | pred.refs | {pred}
def prepare(ns: dict, bases):
member_names = check.inst(ns._member_names, (dict, list))
if isinstance(member_names, dict):
# In Python 3.11 _member_names is a dict
for key in members:
member_names[key] = None
# In Python 3.10 _member_names is a list
member_names += members.keys() # pragma: no cover
SystemPredicate.__name__ = 'System'
SystemPredicate.__qualname__ = 'Predicate.System'
for pred in SystemPredicate:
setattr(Predicate, pred.name, pred)
Predicate.System = SystemPredicate
# Meta __call__ routine.
def metacall():
import os
from collections import deque
class DequeCache:
__slots__ = ('queue', 'idx', 'rev')
queue: deque[Lexical]
idx: dict[Any, Lexical]
"Mapping of called args/specs to lexical, including the lexical itself"
rev: dict[Lexical, set]
"Mapping of leixcal to index keys, to enable removing"
def __init__(self, maxlen=int(os.getenv('ITEM_CACHE_SIZE', 1000) or 0)):
self.queue = deque(maxlen=maxlen)
self.idx = {}
self.rev = {}
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.idx[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
rev = self.rev
idx = self.idx
queue = self.queue
if value in rev:
value = idx[value]
if len(rev) >= queue.maxlen:
old = queue.popleft()
for k in rev.pop(old):
idx[value] = value
rev[value] = {value}
idx[key] = value
cache = DequeCache()
supercall = LangCommonMeta.__call__
def call(cls, *spec):
if len(spec) == 1:
# Special cases.
arg, = spec
if isinstance(arg, cls):
# Passthrough
return arg
if cls is Predicate and isinstance(arg, str):
# System Predicate string
return Predicate.System(arg)
# Invoked class name.
clsname = cls.__name__
# Check cache
return cache[clsname, spec]
except KeyError:
# Construct
inst: LexicalAbc = supercall(cls, *spec)
except TypeError:
# Try to create from ident.
if (
# If a concrete LexType raised the error, or the class is
# not abstract, propagate.
cls in LexType or not abcs.isabstract(cls) or
# Creating from spec supports only length 1.
len(spec) != 1
# Try arg as ident tuple (clsname, spec)
clsname, spec = arg
Class = LexType(clsname).cls
# Check for appropriate class relationship.
if not (cls is LexicalAbc or issubclass(Class, cls)):
raise TypeError(Class, cls) from None
# Check cache
return cache[clsname, spec]
except KeyError:
# Construct
inst: Lexical = Class(*spec)
# Save to cache.
cache[clsname, spec] = cache[inst.ident] = inst
return inst
call._cache = cache
return call
LexicalAbcMeta.__call__ = metacall