Source code for pytableaux.lang.collect

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pytableaux, a multi-logic proof generator.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Doug Owings.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Language collection classes.
from __future__ import annotations

import operator as opr
from import Sequence
from itertools import repeat, starmap
from types import MappingProxyType as MapProxy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable

from ..errors import Emsg, check
from import SequenceSet, abcs, lazy, membr, qset, qsetf, wraps
from . import LangCommonMeta, Lexical, Predicate, Sentence

    from . import LexWriter, Parser

__all__ = (

NOARG = object()

class ArgumentMeta(LangCommonMeta):
    'Argument Metaclass.'

    def __call__(cls, conclusion: Sentence, premises: Iterable[Sentence|None] = None, *, title: str|None = None) -> Argument:
        if premises is None:
            if title is None and isinstance(conclusion, Argument):
                return conclusion
            if isinstance(conclusion, str):
                return Argument.from_argstr(conclusion, title=title)
        return super().__call__(conclusion, premises, title=title)

    _argstr_lw: LexWriter
    _argstr_pclass: type[Parser]
    _argstr_parser_empty: Parser

[docs] class Argument(Sequence[Sentence], abcs.Copyable, immutcopy=True, metaclass=ArgumentMeta): """Argument class. A container of sentences (premises, conclusion) with sequence implementation, ordering and hashing. Two arguments are considered equal just when their conclusions are equal, and their premises are equal (and in the same order). The title is not considered in equality. """
[docs] def __init__(self, conclusion: Sentence, premises: Iterable[Sentence|None] = None, *, title: str|None = None): """ Args: conclusion: The conclusion. premises: The premises or None. Keyword Args: title: An optional title. """ conclusion = Sentence(conclusion) if premises is None: self.seq = conclusion, else: self.seq = (conclusion, *map(Sentence, premises)) self.premises = self.seq[1:] if title is not None: check.inst(title, str) self.title = title
__slots__ = ('_hash', 'premises', 'seq', 'title') conclusion: Sentence "The argument's conclusion." premises: tuple[Sentence, ...] "The argument's premises" title: str|None "Optional title" hash: int "The argument's hash." @property def conclusion(self) -> Sentence: return self.seq[0] @lazy.prop def hash(self) -> int: return hash(self.seq)
[docs] def predicates(self, **kw): """Return the predicates occuring in the argument. Keyword Args: **kw: sort keywords to pass to :class:`Predicates` constructor. Returns: Predicates: The predicates. """ return Predicates((p for s in self for p in s.predicates), **kw)
[docs] def argstr(self) -> str: """Get the canonical string representation for recreating with :meth:`from_argstr()`. Returns: str: The argument string. """ return ':'.join(map(__class__._argstr_lw, self))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_argstr(argstr: str, /, *, title:str|None = None) -> Argument: """Construct an argument from the canonical string representation from :meth:`argstr()`. Args: argstr (str): The input string. Keyword Args: title (str): An optional title. Returns: Argument: The argument. Raises: ParseError TypeError """ conc, *prems = argstr.split(':') parser = __class__._argstr_pclass(auto_preds=True) return parser.argument(conc, prems, title=title)
@abcs.abcf.temp @membr.defer def wrapper(member: membr): @wraps(oper := getattr(opr, def wrapped(self: Argument, other: Any, /): if self is other: return oper(0, 0) if not isinstance(other, Argument): return NotImplemented cmp = len(self) - len(other) if cmp: return oper(cmp, 0) for cmp in starmap(Lexical.orderitems, zip(self, other)): if cmp: break return oper(cmp, 0) return wrapped __lt__ = __le__ = __gt__ = __ge__ = __eq__ = wrapper() # type: ignore def __hash__(self): return self.hash def __len__(self): return len(self.seq) def __getitem__(self, index, /): return self.seq[index] #****** Other def for_json(self): 'JSON Comptibility' return dict( conclusion = self.conclusion, premises = self.premises) def __repr__(self): if self.title: desc = repr(self.title) else: desc = f'len({len(self)})' return f'<{type(self).__name__}:{desc}>' def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if hasattr(self, attr): raise AttributeError(attr) super().__setattr__(attr, value) __delattr__ = Emsg.ReadOnly.razr
class PredicatesBase(SequenceSet[Predicate], metaclass=LangCommonMeta): _lookup: dict[Any, Predicate] EMPTY: Predicates.Frozen def get(self, ref, /, default = NOARG) -> Predicate: """Get a predicate by any reference. Also searches system predicates. Args: ref: Predicate reference. See ``Predicate.ref``. default: Value to return if not found. Returns: The Predicate instance. Raises: KeyError: if missing and no default specified. """ try: return self._lookup[ref] except KeyError: try: return Predicate.System[ref] except KeyError: pass if default is NOARG: raise return default def __contains__(self, ref, /): return ref in self._lookup
[docs] class Predicates(PredicatesBase, qset[Predicate]): """Predicate store. A sequenced set with a multi-keyed lookup index. Predicates with the same symbol coordinates (index, subscript) may have different arities. This class ensures that conflicting predicates are not in the same set, which is necessary, for example, for determinate parsing. """ __slots__ = ('_lookup')
[docs] def __init__(self, values=None, /, *, sort=False, key=None, reverse=False): """Create a new store from an iterable of predicate objects or specs Args: values: Iterable of predicates or specs. Keyword Args: sort: Whether to sort. Default is ``False``. key: Optional sort key function. reverse: Whether to reverse sort. """ self._lookup = {} super().__init__(values) if sort: self.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
def _hook_check(self, arriving: Iterable[Predicate], leaving: Iterable[Predicate]): 'Implement before change (check) hook. Check for conflicting predicates.' # Is there a distinct predicate that matches any lookup keys, # viz. BiCoords or name, that does not equal pred, e.g. arity # mismatch. get = self._lookup.get conflicts: dict[Predicate, Predicate]|None = None for pred in arriving: for prior in filter(None, map(get, pred.refs)): if prior != pred: if conflicts is None: conflicts = {} conflicts[prior] = pred if conflicts: pop = conflicts.pop for prior in leaving: pop(prior, None) if not conflicts: break else: for prior, pred in conflicts.items(): raise Emsg.ValueConflictFor(pred, pred.spec, prior.spec) def _hook_done(self, arriving: Iterable[Predicate], leaving: Iterable[Predicate]): 'Implement after change (done) hook. Update lookup index.' lookup = self._lookup pop = lookup.pop for pred in leaving: for ref in pred.refs: pop(ref, None) pop(pred, None) update = lookup.update for pred in arriving: update(zip(pred.refs, repeat(pred))) lookup[pred] = pred def _hook_cast(self, value): return Predicate(value) def clear(self): super().clear() self._lookup.clear() def copy(self): inst = super().copy() inst._lookup = self._lookup.copy() return inst def frozen(self): return self.Frozen(self) class Frozen(PredicatesBase, qsetf[Predicate]): "Frozen :class:`Predicates` implementation." __slots__ = ('_lookup') def __init__(self, *args, **kw): v = Predicates(*args, **kw) super().__init__(v) self._lookup = MapProxy(v._lookup) wraps(__init__).write(Frozen.__init__)
PredicatesBase.EMPTY = Predicates.Frozen()